MKE About Me – Cilla Angel

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I am in my forties and this year a friend of mine said, “Oh good, you are now a thinker!” That startled me because I thought, ‘I always think…what does she mean?’

I am born and raised in Arizona, a true desert rat, and have had a wonderful marriage to the man of my dreams for over 25 years. I have had a varied career ranging from corporate America in compliance and accounting and have a certification in Human Interaction Technology.

I most assuredly think! I have six siblings whom I have spent most of life debating. Again, I know I think! So, I asked her what she meant. She said that most people don’t start thinking until forty because until then they are still so concerned about what other people think. Something magical happens, all the sudden they start deciding what they want and start moving in a direction they want.

I am learning through this Master Key Experience that people won’t necessarily accomplish anything in that movement. I have started to move in that direction I want through this experience. I am here empty and ready to learn as much as I can to share with as many people as I can that they, too, can be free to move forward successfully.

Meet Cilla Angel

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  • Interesting. A friend of mine used to always say she couldn’t wait until she turned 40. Your revelation supports her statement.

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