MKE About Me – Marie Ruzicka

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Scene from a Joyful Reverie

Deep within the canopy of the exquisitely spiritual land of Bali, my wonderful friend Jane, was on the phone with her equally wonderful Business Partner, Glenn, both whom I met months earlier in February of 2017 in South Africa. 

Jane has this most beguiling South African accent, mixed with an ever so slight Scottish lilt).  Out of my quiet joyful reverie, I hear her say, “Marie. Glenn is asking. Why are you always happy?”

Well that stopped me in my tracks.  

To explain…I have been ‘asked’ this question my whole life.  I put quotes around the word ‘asked,’ because every time up to that point, this question “Why are you so happy?” left me with a discordant tone of judgement sprinkled with a trace of snottiness – mostly interpreted by me as a statement rather than a question, and that statement – in the past – rang of sheer disgust and usually I let that “question/statement” stop me from whatever joyful thing I was doing…and put my light under a bushel, thus dimming the light…a tad. 

Sometimes a lot.

This time, however, either with Glenn’s question, or maybe just the way Jane ask, it felt for the first time like they both honestly wanted to know the answer.

Marie:  (serious) “Jane, I really want to take a second before I answer that…’Why AM I so happy?’”

As Jane continued her conversation, I took a short walk away…A serious few moments elapse…for some shiny moments I looked at my entire life from a 30,000 foot vista and how over-all-joyful this existence had been to that point.  When it came to the contrasty thing that happened, I took on the sadnesses and the situations that left me buried and somehow those sad debilitating moments simply morphed into the means to get me to this glorious point… and for that moment… they did not matter – not one teensy-tiny bit. 

Then…a bright illuminated light of an answer plopped into my head…. and I was excited to share.

Marie: (to Jane)  “I’ve got it.”

Jane: (She turns to me – still on the phone – bright eyed)  “Yeeeeeeeees?” (she teased)

Marie:  “Jane…Let Glenn know….I’m so Happy because… Being happy is….A….Choice.”

Jane:  (insert perfectly timed dead-pan pause).  “Oh no, my dear.  That’s not enough.  I need a 10 point plan.”


Marie Ruzicka – Catalyst for Joy, International Transformational Storyteller, and Champion of Celebrations and Appreciations. Marie guides those with ears to hear to reconnect with their Genius and the path of least resistance to Wealth…in ALL WAYs.

“Marie is an absolute, undeniable Happiness Expert.”
~Clay Mara

Meet Marie Ruzicka

Catalyst for Joy, International Transformational Storyteller, and Champion of Celebrations and Appreciations. Marie guides those with ears to hear to reconnect with their Genius and the path of least resistance to Wealth…in ALL WAYs. ~ Marie Ruzicka (pronounced Roo.ZEEE.ka)

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  • Well aren’t you a very wonderful story teller! Great job! It was a pleasure.

  • Marie, I told you I would be following you every step of the way! The MKE is so very fortunate to have you onboard! 🙂

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