MKE About Me – Michael T. Smith

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I am Michael T Smith; I believe the Universe in which we live is a Spiritual System. And that we are all co-creators of our own lives, therefore we create our own Destiny. We accomplish this by understanding and living from the world within. Knowing our oneness with the Universal Mind is source of all power, which allows us to manifest our dreams.

I have Reiki and other energetic training. I am a LICDC (Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor) and Coach. I am a retired CEO and administrator of Non-Profit Treatment Programs. I have over 39 years sober and clean, within the AA and 12 step Community.

I currently write about the linkages between Spirituality, Metaphysics, Philosophy and Transformation. I live to be in light, love and service. I seek to have mastery of the world within, so that it can be seen in the world without.

“As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.”

Meet Michael Smith

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  • Hi Michael, Thank you for the wonderful share about you. You are a light, love, and in service.

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