This interview of Ms. Carmen Fuentes takes place on March 23, 2026 on her lovely homestead by Curious Caleb, a young podcaster, who at the tender age of seven started his career by interviewing his neighbors and family members as part of a home school assignment.
Because he is naturally curious and interested in people, his parents encouraged him to start a podcast of his interviews. Today’s interview is special because Carmen is his maternal grandmother.
The setting is on the back porch of her house overlooking budding trees, a trickling brook, and the early spring forsythias and daffodils blossoms alongside the house. It’s a sunny afternoon and they are sipping chai tea.
Caleb: You have had so many experiences in your lifetime and I’d love to hear about how you reinvented yourself when you retired. Please tell me about your career as a nurse.
Carmen: As a nurse I loved working with mothers and babies. I provided care for women in the process of giving birth. I gave them support and encouragement during labor especially when they felt afraid or tired. It was amazing to see how quickly a new mother forgot her fears and fatigue when I placed her newborn in her arms.
I also got to help mothers breastfeed which assured their babies got started off with the very best nutrition, mother’s milk. It makes me happy to know I helped women during a very special time in their lives.
Caleb: I know you have been to many places in the world. Our family recently got back from two weeks in Egypt. Why did you invite us to join you?
Carmen: I promised when you were seven years old that I would take the family to see the wonders of Ancient Kemet. I have shared the pictures of my travels to Egypt with you but there is nothing like actually seeing and experiencing the artifacts in person.
It was my dream to share the awesome experience of standing in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid and seeing the golden burial mask of Tutankhamen up close with my loved ones.
Wasn’t it magical to see the full moon reflected on the still waters of the Nile River while we were on our three day cruise? Our time together in Egypt was fantastic and I am so happy we got to share it as a family. Where shall we go next, the Grand Canyon or Machu Picchu?
Caleb: I vote for the Grand Canyon. Please tell me about where you are living now what inspired you to grow organic fruit and vegetables.
Carmen: I am fortunate to live on a beautiful piece of land and I want to share my blessing. I feel it is very important to eat organic produce in order to help our bodies stay healthy and strong. Let me tell you a short story.
My mother grew up in the hills of beautiful Puerto Rico and as a little girt lived on a farm with her grandparents. Her grandpa, Papa Victor, would gather his family and neighbors at harvest time to collect the different crops such as bananas and yams.
As everyone left after working in the fields, they would each get a portion of what had been gathered to take back home to their families. I recently learned about creating a food forest instead of having a lawn to provide food for myself, my family, and to donate the extra to my local food pantry. That is what I am doing here. I feel my great grandpa and my mother would be proud of their legacy.
Caleb: Awesome! Can I help?
Carmen: Of course.
Caleb: So how were you able to purchase this property after you retired from nursing?
Carmen: Shortly after retiring I was invited to a presentation about a network marketing company. I was looking for a way to acquire real assets and for a way to supplement my pensions.
At the presentation I found out that I could accomplish both if I applied myself and did the work required of network marketing by sharing the opportunity with others. I enthusiastically jumped and learned so much that I soon found myself telling my story.
Basically, through participating in the company’s compensation plan, I felt more secure about my future especially during turbulent economic times. Little by little I expanded my wonderful team and my home based business grew providing me with very comfortable residual income. That is how I had the means to buy the land we are on right now.
Caleb: Wow! That’s how you did it. What is the best thing I can do to be successful like you?
Carmen: I think you already have a great start by being so curious about people. Do you know that the one person you should be most curious about? It is yourself. Always look for ways to invest in yourself.
We each have within us Infinite Potential to fulfill our dreams. It takes looking inside yourself uncover it and to succeed in life. By doing that you get to know that you are an expression of Infinite Potential.
Once you realize that just let it flow through you. How you picture your success is up to you. If you live your life in service, with love and authenticity there is nothing to stop you from accomplishing your dreams. I believe in you and know that you will do great things in life as well.
Caleb: Thank you grandma for sharing your story and advise. Do you have any of your home baked cookies to go with our chai tea?
Carmen: Of course, my sweet boy.
That’s a great press release. I enjoyed reading it.
What a delightful perspective! I love your creativity. Well done.
Oh Carmen, what a beautiful relationship you have with your Grandson. So excited to meet him, and listen to his amazingly successful podcast.