What is the amazing life of Suzette and Kevin Robinson?
We are going to find out as we interview Suzette on how they were able to create such an incredible life, that most people can only dream of. We will be heading out with Oprah to their farm that they were able to purchase clear and free with cash. We will hear the interview she had with Oprah right here.
Oprah: Well first I must tell you that this story is quite amazing. As I pulled up to the Robinson residence, I was surprised to find such beauty and grandeur in their property. Their house is nestled in a grove of trees that you cannot even tell is there till you round the bend and it opens in all its splendor.
It is a big house with a wraparound deck and big floor to ceiling windows in the back. It has a beautiful yard with a swimming pool and a hot tub. You can tell that there are also children around as there is a big playground, pickleball court, and many fun toys for everyone to enjoy.
As I sit with Suzette in their house, I see a couple of deer poking their heads through the trees and occasionally we see a moose rambling along. This story is inspirational because the 75 acres that they built their house on used to belong to Suzette’s family. After her mother passed away the family lost the farm which included this land. Suzette how does it feel to own this land?
Suzette: It is really a surreal feeling. I feel so accomplished to own this land. I am creating a legacy for my family, something they can call their own when Kevin and I are gone. Also, it was so amazing to see my dad’s face when I was able to purchase this land back. It was priceless!
Oprah: So, I am curious how you were able to accomplish something like this?
Suzette: That is a funny story. I started in a network marketing company a while ago and I was trying to figure out how to grow it. I happened to stumble upon a great mentor who helped me realize that I needed to have multiple streams of income.
As I worked with her and learned about attraction marketing Kevin decided to join me. He worked his own business, and I worked mine. We then decided to form the Robinson Group Solutions so that we could help many different people with our services. From there it just took off. It was quite unbelievable how quickly the money started to roll in.
Oprah: I know quite a few people who have tried “one of those things” and would love the life that you have created. How did you succeed?
Suzette: Yes, I totally agree that there are a lot of people who would love this life. Kevin and I took a course with Mark J, called the Master Key Experience. It is exactly what we needed! This program helped us change how we thought about our lives, which in turn helped us with growing our business.
You know what you think about you bring about. The world within creates the world without. As we started to learn these principles and started to put into practice what we were learning our world really did start to become magical. I think one of the best results from what we have done is our ability to help others, not just our children and grandchildren but other friends and family members.
Oprah: Who have you been able to help?
Suzette: We have helped thousands of people through our business by teaching them how they can have their own business and grow a 7-figure income. I just recently started a chapter of Girls on the Run, which is a place where girls can learn about health and wellness and to be able to feel good about themselves as they learn discipline and sacrifice through running.
I am so passionate about health and wellness, and this makes me so happy to see girls excelling in something that they can use the rest of their lives. We have also been able to take our family on many fun family adventures, such as Disneyland, Hawaii, Dominican Republic, India, and many other exciting and fun adventures.
We have been able to give them wonderful life experiences. We also have gifted trips to other family members and friends which sometimes we go with them and sometimes we don’t. I think one of my favorite things is to be able to participate in Secret Santa throughout the whole year.
Oprah: What is Secret Santa?
Suzette: That is something where we have people send in requests for certain needs and our family looks them over and decides how we can help them. It is so rewarding to be able to know that we can bless others because of all our blessings. We are also very generous with tithes and offerings to our church.
Oprah: Wow Suzette I am truly impressed at what you have done here.
Suzette Oprah it isn’t just about me! It happened because of all the support that I had from family and friends. Also, it was a lot of hard mental work that I had to do to change my old blueprint and I would’ve never done it without the support of Kevin and my mastermind group. It has been a wild ride that I am so grateful for.
Oprah: Thank you Suzette for this insightful interview. I am grateful that I was able to sit down with you today. You probably don’t realize it, but you have given millions hope that there is a different life.
Suzette: Thank you Oprah. It has been my pleasure to meet you. I am a big fan of yours! Thanks for taking the time to find out more about me and my family.
Absolutely amazing!! Love the detail and the gratitude you exhibit.