Thanks Zach for having me share a about the last few years regarding my “overnight “ success.
I truly believe Network Marketing is right vehicle to assist the masses to self-sufficiency, self-esteem, affluence, and relevance is the world of commerce, but it did take me a long time to get here.
After years of coasting along in the airline biz, having a great time, getting by on an above average income, and some remarkable perks; it all came to a screeching halt with the covid epidemic, retirement, reduction in income, the end of my relationship, and seeing the need to start all over.
I always felt I wanted more control of my life, but had underlying confidence and worth issues.
Having taken various courses offered by famous gurus, I never realized I needed to enlist the invisible power of my subconscious mind to take the lead in manifesting my deepest desires.
The turning point was finally taking the MKE course with Training Solutions which really opened my eyes and gave me the tools to make real changes in my thinking and my results. I now follow the lead of my well-trained subconscious as it opens doors I did not even know existed.
For instance, being in the right place, at the right time, I was introduced to you and your company 7K Metals. The confidence and enthusiasm that MKE has given me, plus the tools supplied by 7K have allowed me to prosper by serving others to the extent that I have more wealth and freedom in my life than I ever imagined possible. I seemed to have flown through the compensation levels, assisting those I have partnered with to do the same.
I now live the perfect condo that meets all my needs; I drive the car of my dreams; and I am back to traveling the world in style (as in my former airline days) and have something to offer that changes the lives of those longing for relief from the pressures of daily life.
It all seemed to happen so quickly. The manifestation has been gratifying, but the journey was the real thrill. Seeing the changes in me, I am so grateful to Training Solutions and the whole team there.
Not really and overnight success, but well worth the time and effort.
I hope this interview offers encouragement to others on their journey to their dreams. Thank you Zach.
David, you’re taking off like you were in your former career! Zoom!!! 🙂
A very positive press release, David. Keep up the good work.
Thanks David, great to read about your success!