MKE Press Release – PennyMay Griffin

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Interview with Darius – Before November 2024
Interviewer – Darius M. Barazandeh

As I sit on my veranda looking out to sea with my hot cup of tea, I take a deep breath and relax. I notice the Seagulls float along as the sun glistens and diamonds reflect against the sea. I smell the air with a faint smell of seaweed as the evening sunshine warms my body.

I sit silently for some time and then gather my thoughts ready for today’s online call with Darius. For so long now I have been listening to a collection of materials. I love hearing and engaging with all the various master speakers.

I feel a wave of excitement and nervousness at the same time, grateful to be here in the moment, grateful to the Master Key Experience, Darius and all those who contributed to me being here.

I prepare myself to begin the call.

As the phone rings the presence of grace and ease flow into every cell of my being. My channels open and I answer the phone. With the feelings of fun and joy I say hello and good morning to Darius. It was late morning there and early evening for me.

We had spoken last week preparing for today’s call and both very much enjoyed our time chatting. We had scheduled this day for no later than November 2024 and now today it’s my day to share my gifts to the listeners around the World.

D – Good Morning, good afternoon and good evening, everyone wherever you are. Today we have a brand-new guest speaker PennyMay all the way from the UK and she’s going to share some of her remarkable gifts and tell us a little about herself.

D – Hello PennyMay! So great to have you on the show with us here today.

PM – Hi Darius I can’t tell you how excited I am to be here.

D – For all our listeners out there, PennyMay specialises in Intuitive healing. She is an Intuitive Coach and Master Healer. She has trained as a Master Level Medical Intuitive, Advanced Master Grace Healer, Master Breakthrough Healer, Master Regeneration Healer, Master Reiki Teacher, Tai Chi Instructor, the list goes on.

Wow this is extensive. PennyMay specialises in activations with specific requests, customises healing especially for you , and sends breakthrough healing with any challenge you may have in your life.

PennyMay has been healing for over 30 years and helped many people become their best selves living in harmony and balance.

D – So tell us about you PennyMay

PM – I take a sip of water and open into the wider space of source ready to engage with Darius and his listeners.

PM – I’ve always had a natural gift for helping others and love guiding and serving those wanting to heal themselves. Over the years I have developed an extensive tool kit, each one rich from all the experiences and miracles allowing me to be able to guide and serve others to heal themselves in a way that is right for them.

When I discovered resources through you Darius (haha), I began a new journey of discovery, excited and eager I was all in and quickly became a Master Healer in this field. I also was in the 1 percent of another teacher’s healings, a gentle way of healing.

This style of healing was gentle which still allowed me to go about my day with ease and flow. I didn’t really notice the 24/7 healing other than an inner knowing and a recognition when there was a breakthrough and feelings of being happy.

Being happier was always an indicator the healing was working well. Life started to become easier. I knew this was right for me with the busy world we now live in. I didn’t have the time to be several days, even weeks (like in the old days) in a healing crisis.

Plus this worked beyond the ego, the only form of healing known that did this. At the time my ego was holding me back and this led to my recovery and healing my physical body mind and spirit.

PM – I truly feel happy most of the time, which is a miracle in itself. It wasn’t always like this.

When I turned 18 my health took a different path which led me to further investigate the unknown, metaphysics. Being a seeker in life, it became a fascination, especially as the conventional profession didn’t know enough to help with Crohn’s disease. I embarked on my quest to heal myself and in doing so I became the healer I am today.

I started learning tai chi at the age of 24 and become a Reiki Master a year later. I studied with an incredible lady, a Mentor and later a good friend. We combined teaching Tai Chi and Reiki for about 10 years and my journey of self-healing and helping others continued.

I believe I was always meant to be a healer and the crohn’s became a catalyst leading me to be where I am today. It’s true to say that most healers have had to suffer greatly to become successful.

It is my understanding that it’s no longer necessary to suffer. I’m hoping collectively in the future our natural state of being will be that of self-empowerment and have the ability to thrive and live life to the fullest with love harmoniously.

As a Medical Intuitive mastering in 2019, my fascination and healing skills continued to grow from strength to strength. Understanding through this style of healing that every cell had biliions of blockages and that it could take 2 to 3 years to fully heal, made a lot of sense to me.

With this understanding my body started to really relax. Inner space arrived allowing all parts to move more freely. I started to feel safe for the first time in my life. This was huge.

Once I became familiar with the feeling of safety, I started to focus on letting go of financial help from the government scheme and started to take my life back fully. I had been in this scheme for over 20 years.

Letting go of this support for fear of becoming sick started to fall away with ease and grace. Everything became much easier. My health improved. I became empowered again. My self worth came back. I started earning for myself which financially grew quickly in abundance and most of all I got my life back.

Now this may not be true for everyone as there are always special circumstance and we all have choice, right! I have come to believe that living your purpose, being paid, eating good food, exercise and having balanced relationships are what makes a great life. All areas need to be in place equally.

D- umm yes I agree!

I decided and wanted to bring my gifts/my purpose to the world and share all my years of knowledge to help others to full fill their dreams, desires, empowering them to know what that looks like. Becoming an Intuitive Coach and Master Healer became the perfect platform to help others achieve this.

From there I started to really fly – The universe could finally align with my desires. All the years of helping others aligned beautifully and expanded into being ready to share my gifts with the World and here we are Darius.

D – Beautiful – So you’re now an Intuitive Coach and Master Healer in your profession.

PM- Yes that’s right. Being an Intuitive Coach allows all the tools out of the box and combined with the healing work, it packs a delicious combination to bring about what’s required to align people to their highest selves and what they truly desire.

D – Amazing! Well, we are certainly excited to have you here today PennyMay. I don’t know about the viewers out there, but I can’t wait to get started and hear how this works?

PM – The best way to understand how this works is to take some calls so the audience can hear and feel how it works.

D – Well let’s take some calls then and see how we can move some of our audience forward and open and expand into their greater selves.

Caller – hello

PM – Hi there – what is your challenge and how can we help you today?

Caller – I’d like more money.

D- ha-ha! well that’s a great one to start with I think we can say most people can go along with that. Over to you, PennyMay.

PM – Yes, a popular topic and great for everyone specially with all the uncertainty in the world at the moment, Right!

Caller – Yes for sure

PM – So first of all we align the energy to your higher self and everyone can say I am open to receive this. Then we scan your body to find hidden blocks around money. As we scan we check and see if you are open to receiving the healing, which you are, so that’s great.

You are receiving the healing really well, good. We send healing to your ancestral line regarding money and any past lives that may be blocking receiving money. We often start here and then clear into the present you.

As we scan again, that part of your past life is complete and now we are moving into this life and scanning again. You are receiving the healing well. Your systems are opening and more healing is sent.

Healing is sent to the heart energy and all your systems are relaxing. Healing is sent to the mind and you are relaxing further. Very good you are receiving it really well and your body is relaxing. now into the possibility of receiving more money.

Good, you’re doing great and we are sensing that you are more receptive to receiving money in ways you had not previously thought of.

Good so that’s a taster session and is complete for now. Most people have reported feeling happier after a session and this is a good way to know if you have received the healing.

Caller – Yes, I’m feeling so clear and happier. Thank you. I could feel something shifting in my body and I am feeling really good. I feel more positive and clearer to receive money. I feel excited to see what will unfold ha-ha. Thank you!

PM. You are very welcome, and know the healing will continue for the next 24 hours.

D. – That’s great. Wow so fast as well. Thank you, caller. Keep us posted on how you are doing. We would love to hear your feedback.

Caller – I will. Thank you and thank you Penny May.

PM – That’s the beauty of this type of healing. It really can go anywhere across all time and space. It’s expansive and transfers the energy at warp speed. It can be 5 minutes actually and generally I allow 30 mins in a private session. That gives plenty of time for healing the hidden blocks and moving forward with any given challenge or desire.

Plus the energy is the equivilant to 5 traditional healing therapies all completed within the 30-minute session, so it’s really fast.

D – I love it! So that’s a taster of working with someone individually and for all our listeners PennyMay has put together a few packages especially for you. Go check out the webpage.

D – Go check out the page and read more about all the offers. I don’t know about you I want to do it all.

D – Well That’s all we have time for today, thanks for listening in and thanks PennyMay for being with us today and sharing your gifts for the first time here.

PM – My pleasure Darius, so great to be here live talking with you all

PM – The rush of excitement fills every cell in my being and beyond. The interview was so much fun, and I loved being a speaker for Darius. I am jumping for joy and feeling so very grateful to the Master Key Experience for giving me the platform and courage to live my dreams. This was beyond amazing!!!

I always keep my promises!

Meet PennyMay Griffin

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  • That’s a great true story, well done and congratulations PennyMay! I very clearly see you operating as an intuitive healer for the fulfillment and happiness of all your clients, who recommand you to their most enlightened relations!

  • Wow, so wonderful to read that The Universe could finally align with your desires of being a successful Intuitive Coach and Master Healer. Letting go of the fear of …. and feeling it started fall away with ease and grace. Wow, I would love to experience that. So happy to hear that you are healing people you are truly living your dream Congrats!! 🎉💜 PennyMay

  • “Letting go of this support for fear of becoming sick started to fall away with ease and grace. Everything became much easier. My health improved. I became empowered again. My self worth came back. I started earning for myself which financially grew quickly in abundance and most of all I got my life back.” – Words to live by.

  • Hi PennyMay, Thank you for sharing your Press Release. Happy for you to become the healer you so desire.

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