MKE Press Release – Patricia King

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Interviewed by: My friend, Joe.

Where: On Big Island Hawaii

I’m sitting in a beautiful open-air lobby of the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai with my husband. There’s a Hawaiian stye sofa, with cushions and pillows Chairs on each end. It’s a relaxed setting for a casual interview by my friend Joe who is a videographer.

There’s a gorgeous fresh Orchid plant on the coffee table. Each of us is sipping our beverage of choice. We feel a gentle breeze and can see the beautiful palm trees and luscious plants.

Joe asks: Pat, what brought you here?

Pat answers: I recently reached a new level – Senior Coordinator in my wellness business. That qualified me for this amazing Incentive trip to this beautiful place. It feels so incredibly pampering!

Joe asks: Pat, what did it take to reach that goal?

Pat answers: I personally implemented a strategy that grew my team. I then trained one of my ambassadors to reach their first leadership goal and do the same with one of their ambassadors. They will be recognized later this year and that brings great joy to my heart!

Joe asks: Pat, how did you choose this company?

Pat answers: years ago, one of my friends watched my daughter so I could go to a weekly Bible Study. I was praying for healthy ways to improve my energy, immune system, and especially my mood. I had already incorporated a lot of healthy food choices.

She invited me to attend a meeting in our neighborhood to hear about some nutrition stuff. I was skeptical because I had a cupboard full of supplements, I had tried that either didn’t help or upset my system. I decided to go and listen.

I liked it when I heard the program was guaranteed and started using the program. I experienced significant improvement- it was wonderful to get several more hours a day of good energy and to see my mood changing for the best. Some of my friends said I looked better, and they wondered why?

I was referring my friends for the program and eventually my sponsor asked if I would consider a part time business? I replied yes, if I could do it part time and earn enough to cover my program. I was always thanking God for showing me ways to improve my health and being able to pass on the blessing.

Joe asks: Pat, you mentioned a strategy – can you tell me more about that?

Pat answers: Thanks for asking. It’s taken a while for me to learn it. For me it starts with my faith walk. My morning prayer time is where I ground myself for the day and receive the graces that will then pour out to others. I also focus on the habits of gratitude and generosity.

Then it’s my family, making sure that time is designated to show them the love and support that will inspire them to be their best. My husband is now happily retired, and we enjoy our morning walks, visiting state parks to enjoy hikes to be out in nature, as well as just spending time together. Also, time with friends to continue strong connection.

Then I plan work time – it all goes on the calendar (knowing that sometime things must flex unexpectedly) Just making sure to have a consistent flow of calls, meetings, trainings and follow through.

I trade hours of TV time each week for reading, learning, and applying new skills. I train my team in key skills. but don’t constantly jump to fads.

Joe asks: Pat, what does reaching this achievement mean to you?

Pat answers: Joe, it encourages me to believe in loftier goals. Regardless of status, I desire to be a channel of blessings to others. There are a lot of ways to bless people: smiles, encouraging words, notes looking for the best and financially. I am deeply grateful to my Lord for my abundant blessings.

Joe says: I think this will be a good place to call it a wrap.

Pat answers: Joe, it been delightful to be interviewed by you. Thanks so much!

Meet Patricia King

I am a Woman of Faith – Wife, Mother, and Grandmother - Love my Family and Friends - Encourager of Health and Wellness.
I have pursued personal development for years! Thankful for my friend who introduced me to classes leading up to this unique Master Key Experience.

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  • Really enjoyed this Patricia! I feel like this really reflects your DMP – Mahalo for sharing your wonderful achievements! Congrats! I see it.

  • Hi Patricia, Your ways of encouraging others are infectious. You are a blessing to those around you. Loved your Press Release

  • Great to read that you have found a strategy that is working for you Patricia. Your energy, immune system, and your mood improved that is so wonderful. I am sure that that made a huge different in your life.

  • Trading TV time is great way to tell what you give up to pursue your dreams! Lovely description of hotel too!

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