Like a magnet, I’ve been attracted to TRUTH, for as long as I can remember. I was a curious kid, always asking questions. It’s actually been super FUN, when you think critically

It’s funny because a new thought can always bring a new beginning. If I were to sum up in one sentence what I have learned in the last six months attending Mark

As the current master key experience draws to a close, I wanted to share one of the simple things I see frequently here in Colorado, that is rainbows. For some reason I

As the current master key experience draws to a close, I wanted to thank all that were involved in this experience. It was great seeing so many superstars shinning brighter and brighter!!!

As the current Master Key Experience draws to a close, I thought I would share what is my next divine step. 3 other things I am involved in suddenly are drawing to

Love and Fear.This MKE class has been amazing! I have appreciated so much the encouragement, dedication, conviction, that has been shown by each and everyone from MKE. I am so grateful to

Part 23 of Charles Haanel’s Master Key System is one of my favorite and another very powerful lesson. Yes it is true that: Money weaves itself into the entire fabric of our

Yes, I knew that this phenomenal experience would be coming to a close in a few weeks. It felt like a shock when I realized I would not be experiencing any more live

EffortlesslyLaw of least effort. The path of least resistance can profoundly influence our daily lives. This is usually found in truth, it invites us to relinquish the need to defend our point