Right from the start in the introduction to this week’s lesson, Haanel encourages us to dream big by having big thoughts about what we desire. This was in synchronicity with what one of the founders of my network marketing business said at our weekly corporate call— “Dream Big.”
Upon hearing the message twice, I realized that my goal to rank up one level in my company would not give me the financial goal that I desire. So now I have expanded my vision and see myself two levels up in rank. It feels a bit scary yet empowering to aim higher in order to manifest my dreams.
…everything which we hold in our consciousness for any length of time becomes impressed upon our subconsciousness and so becomes a pattern which the creative energy will wave into our life and environment.
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Introduction, Part 21
Both Haanel and Mandino agree on the fact that we can impress subby to create new habits or patterns and so change our environment.
And I just love the image of creative energy being a wave. In our webinar this week we learned that everything wiggles, and what appears to be solid is primarily composed of space with particles vibrating at different rates. So, we exist in a wiggling wave vibrating on a current of harmonious cosmic energy.
Do not hesitate to aspire to the highest possible attainment in anything you may undertake, for the mind forces are ever ready to lend themselves to a purposeful will in the effort to crystallize its highest aspirations into acts, accomplishments, and events.
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 21:17
It’s amazing to know that by consciously connecting our minds to Universal Mind we can accomplish miracles.
Thinking beyond our blueprint and dreaming big is the way for us to reach our individual goals. If we choose to change our thoughts and habits and anchor ourselves in harmony with Universal principle, there is nothing we can’t accomplish–it’s a wiggle and a wave away.
Go Carmen! Excited to ride this wave with you!!
Carmen- inspiring blog! Thanks for sharing your perspective and I love your phrase about being in harmony with Universal principle is just “a wiggle and a wave away.” =)