MKE Week 21 – Discovering The Treasure Within

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Category:  Week 21


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Haanel states in Lesson 21, 1st paragraph in The Master Key System,

The real secret to power is consciousness of power. The Universal Mind is unconditional; therefore, the more conscious we become of our unity with this mind, the less conscious we shall become of conditions and limitations, and as we become emancipated or freed from conditions we come into the realization of the unconditional. We have become free!

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 21:1

This paragraph is so powerful! When we look within ourselves in silence instead of outside ourselves, we can truly see that we have the power, we have always had it, we were just unaware of it.

As soon as we become conscious of the inexhaustible power in the world within, we begin to draw on this power and apply and develop the greater possibilities which this discernment has realized, because whatever we become conscious of, is invariably manifested in the objective world, is brought forth into tangible expression.

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 21:2
Meet Robert Rysgaard

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  • Great share Robert. Like you, many members have commented on how powerful Part 21 is in The Master Key System. Now we can see why the saying “awareness is the first step of change” is powerful…giving ourselves permission to believe it is possible…becoming conscious of our power…is life changing. Cheering you on Robert! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

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