MKE Week 21 – Helping Others and Loving Every Area of My Life

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Category:  Week 21


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Here it is, Week 21, and I feel the truth even deeper. I get to create my life the way I have dreamed.

I feel the joy of being a self-directed thinker. I may not always exhibit this behavior, yet I am experiencing it more every day. I realize that the Principles of the Universe give me carte blanche to be the co-creator of my life.

Thank you, MKE, for teaching me the tools to live my ideal life.

I now know I can create my dream life, following the seven laws of the mind as my blueprint.

I am forever grateful!

Meet Joanne Sapers

I'm Joanne Sapers.
My passion is understanding the Universe and seeing Love in, as, through, and around all beings and things, the seen and the unseen.

I love helping others celebrate the joy and the true desires vital to them in their heart.

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  • So glad you said “yes!” to your Hero’s Journey Joanne and our paths have united during the Master Key Experience.

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