MKE Week 22 – First Time I am Doing a 48-Hour Silent Retreat. Here Goes.

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Category:  Week 22


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I have been busy spreading the word that I will go off the grid for 48 hours, beginning February 28th at 4:00 pm. 

It feels weird. I am inquisitive, wondering what will transpire.

When Mark and Davene suggested this Silent Retreat, my heart felt excited and ready.

I am learning how to use the law of substitution and the law of dual thought when I feel fear, guilt, anger, hurt feelings, and unworthiness.

By witnessing how I feel when I experience these feelings, I can immediately utilize the above two laws of the universe.

 Goodbye technology, Hello Inner Self! I am here to listen to my heart’s loving messages deeply. 

How may I serve one or many through my gifts, skills, and talents that make me authentically who I love being?

Meet Joanne Sapers

I'm Joanne Sapers.
My passion is understanding the Universe and seeing Love in, as, through, and around all beings and things, the seen and the unseen.

I love helping others celebrate the joy and the true desires vital to them in their heart.

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  • Great hear you’re going on the silent retreat. I wish you a beautiful experience Joan

  • Hi Joanne, Your silent retreat sounds awesome. The law of dual thought and the law of substitution are excellent tools. Thank you for sharing them with us.

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