MKE Week 22 – Many Gifts

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Category:  Week 22


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I had what one could say was a very interesting week. It started with me visiting a friend in the hospital that I meet 40 years ago on St Patrick’s Day 1984. That meeting took place in a public detox at Salvation Army in Cleveland, Oh.

He was a Vietnam war Vet, and it was his seventh time in detox or treatment of some kind. We both went back to school, got degrees, and Chemical Dependency Counselor Licenses and we eventually worked together in a Non-Profit Treatment Program for 2o years.

He was already having health issues that sometimes resulted from that lifestyle. It happened later in his life. Though the cause for this visit was he possibly had a flashback while sleeping and propelled himself out of bed and landing upside down on his head. Hurting his head and neck and vertebrae. Which had not happened for many years.

It was great to go and pray with him, offer healing energy, and talk about his thinking healing thoughts and positivity, which had been reenforced and highlighted in the Haanel writing that morning.

I asked about another friend who had also worked with us for about 10 years. I had not talked to him for a few years who I met 18 days into my journey to recover at an inner-city treatment program. It was his 11th time.

This was after being in a 3-day detox for 17 days. I will say that I am of the school of thought that everything is a miracle. One of the counselors in that detox thought I should be extended until a specific counselor had an opening on his caseload. I’ll just say that I was truly blessed by that decision.

It was great to touch base and learn of his ministry of kindness of giving out good morning greetings to a good number of people every morning with various thoughts and sayings. This is the way that he deals with his own health issues. I was able to discuss the healing mind and visualization and such from that morning reading that same day
I then did the Silence and dark retreat at home for 72 hours from Tuesday morning to Friday morning. I had a goal of having no distractions and taking in nothing external. The first day and a half I had several hours of distraction each day because of being determined to get my steps in. Problem step counter on my phone. I finally ditched the step count and turned off the phone.

I did do a little refresh reading of some material by Myrtle Filmore a couple of specific healing thoughts that although inline with the Haanel material may have come before.

That brings me to the thought that if you believe in the one Mind, Universal Mind, the God Mind that talk about ripping off ideas could be misplaced if all ideas are available in the Universal.

If one has an original idea, it probably resulted in an innovation or invention. We do have our unique individuality that allows us to think and interpret our lives as we think.

For the time being I’ll just say that this retreat exercise was most peaceful, beneficial, and fruitful.

There are many Gifts, most importantly the ability to think and understand the three Minds, Objective, Subjective and the Universal.

Meet Michael Smith

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  • Hi Marie, I like that one, they make you know there something is happen here.

  • Hi Pat, it took cooperation to sort it out. Yes family wife and an adult daughter who work during the day. That’s why I did mid week. I do have a meditation/study room with a couch that I could hang out in when thy were home. We had times in the kitchen. I also spent time in nature.

  • Thank you, Michael. Your beauty-filled blog makes me think of another quote that is attributed to Einstein, “Coincidences are God’s way of staying anonymous.”

  • Wonderful how you are reaching out to share your positive light with other. I am curious about how you pulled off the 72 hours of Silence at home (especially if you have a family)?

  • Hi Michael, It’s so nice to hear you were able to reach out to a friend. Just sharing healing thoughts and positivity with your visit.was uplifting for you both. Great use of your tools from MKE.

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