While “sitting” quietly with these questions, answers came from deep within.
“What am I pretending not to know?”
Answer-How to connect with God/Me.
Then details about some past experiences led me to the realization that I had been running from them. I instantly wanted to emotionally eat. Then I wanted to ask my family when it all started. I had a chance to ask them on the weekend. Even after my eldest sister said what she thought, it seemed to me there was more to it.
Then an interesting image came to me that I was gliding supernaturally over this beautiful picturesque landscape up to a huge drift in the road and I noticed I did not have boots on. That is where it ended.
The next question: “What have I done by will? Easy answer when you are a red…EVERYTHING! It was the only way I knew.
The last part was that emotional blanket that I had shed in earlier posts briefly came back.
Finally, Altered perception: “What is enough?”
I am not really sure what it all meant (or pretending to) and so I went into another sit. This is sooooo cool!
In a moment of humanness, I thought I needed to have boots to go through the snow drift. Then I realized I was supernatural and could continue to glide over the top! Not only the snow drift, but everything else that comes along. Just keep it simple.
Wow, those Sits can be powerful! Good job tuning in.