Silence Week. This week has been a difficult one for me with all that I have going on. It is not easy to get and take time to be silent with a 2-year-old, my daughter’s birthday week and working 40 hours a week.
So Monday I decided that I wanted to try to be as limited as I possibly could and see what would happen. I put my phone and apple watch in the bedroom and didn’t touch it until bedtime. While I worked, I didn’t check social media and didn’t have any background music or TV on other than the shows that occupy Oliver while I am working.
My results while not exactly what I expected were positive. I felt calm and relaxed throughout the day. I wasn’t worried about who’s call or text I might be missing. I got things done around the house that I don’t normally do until the end of the day after work. I couldn’t really get into my thoughts much because I was working as well but to start, I felt it was a good one.
As the week has been going by, I have been trying to extend some time of silence and thought as much as I can. My sits are 20-25 minutes this week instead of the normal 15 and while not all successful sits the whole time, most have been very thoughtful, and I have had some great ideas come to mind.
I did venture over to social media yesterday. I found that my feeds were filled with people with positive affirmations or mind sets. People that maybe normally get lost in the world of my normal scrolling were right up front. Maybe they were always there but I am not more of an observer. I don’t know. I am going to continue and try to get some good chunks of maybe an hour or two this weekend of complete silence and stillness.
Bravo to you for what you did. You are persisting, Amy! Your silence time will find you…I believe that.
I love the way you look at things. Just like Deanna said you have a positive point of view of things. It made me feel even more positive. Thanks for sharing Amy
Thanks so much for sharing about how you tried to incorporate silence into your busy week, Amy. Everything you wrote about was filled with positivity, even when things didn’t go exactly as planned.