MKE Week 22a – The Changes are Happening. I Am Experiencing a Rebirth.

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Category:  Week 22a


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Last week, one of our homework exercises was to do a Silent retreat. I chose to do a 48-hour retreat.

I did the Silent retreat at my home. I had significant expectations of how I would feel at the end of this retreat.

Because I love meditation and spirituality, I thought it was a no-brainer that I would have a significant life-altering transformation.

God has a sense of humor and put me in my place.

At the end of my Silent Retreat, I felt grateful that I did the retreat, but it felt anti-climactic.
I wasn’t sure why I felt let down.

That night, I remembered who created the Principles of the Universe. Once again, I was, and I am humbled.

The everyday miracles started two days after the retreat ended, showing up and continuing daily.

I have an inner calm that feels very different. I have a deeper trust and have even more faith in knowing that everything is working out beautifully. My DMP is birthing!

Thank you, MKE Mark J, Davene, all the guides, and MKE members!

Meet Joanne Sapers

I'm Joanne Sapers.
My passion is understanding the Universe and seeing Love in, as, through, and around all beings and things, the seen and the unseen.

I love helping others celebrate the joy and the true desires vital to them in their heart.

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  • Thanks for sharing your experiences with the silent retreat Joanne.👍🏽

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