MKE Week 23 – Emerson

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Category:  Week 23


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Emerson- one listed as one of the greatest literary minds of our time. A great thinker. A great poet. I was not exposed to him much growing up. When it came up to poetry in English class in High School it was more like Frost, Whitman, and Poe were often the common ones to come up.

While I knew Emerson was in the literary world, I never realized how much of an impact he has made and will continue to make. We were introduced to his Law of Compensation Essay a few weeks ago. A few statements really stuck out to me.

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no person can sincerely try to help another without helping him or herself. Serve and you shall be served. If you love and serve people, you cannot, by any hiding or stratagem, escape the remuneration.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Law of Compensation

This leads us into this week’s Master Key lesson 23.

Money weaves itself into the entire fabric of our very existence; that the law of success is service; that we get what we give, and for this reason we should consider it a great privilege to be able to give.

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 23:2

By helping others succeed, we succeed. By being of service, we succeed. By being kind and loving, we succeed. By being positive and making sure all transactions benefit all involved, we succeed. These are messages that many of us through society have ignored, never really learned or have completely forgotten.

We recently were introduced to Self-Reliance essay from Emerson and what really stood out to me and continues to impact me daily is a quote- “To be great is to be misunderstood.”

Every day I chip away at my cement, and I am truly starting to see how amazing I am and the light shining from within me coming out. I love reminding others how amazing they are.

I am truly excited to see what kind of world we are helping create with this course and helping so many others get out from under the cement and really shine.

The world needs this course and I am so happy to have gotten the opportunity to be a part of it. Thank you MKE!!

Meet Amy Shirtcliff

I'm Amy Shirtcliff. I am married to my best friend, a mom of 3 girls, 1 boy, 1 dog and 2 cats. I am from CT, born and raised. I love all things creative (crochet, sewing, baking, gardening to name a few, and I am a pretty big nerd (love Comic Cons, LOTR, Marvel, Star Wars). Would love to connect about similarities and interests.

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  • You are a beacon of love and hope, Amy! So glad we’re stuck with each other!! 🙂

  • I loved reading your blog, Amy. You explained how serving others not only benefits the receiver but also the giver. Thanks so much for the reminder and explaining it so beautifully.

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