In the Master Key Part 23 this week, we are told that:
If you desire abundance, you must go to the source of all abundance, Infinite Mind, and you must will your spirit to be in harmony with it, decide that you will pay the price for it, which is to be in service to others.
We make money by making friends, and we enlarge our circle of friends by making money for them, by helping them, by being of service to them
The Master Key, Charles Haanel, 23:3
This opens the channel to receive all the abundance you desire, which you can then use to further increase the abundance of others. If we first don’t give, the channel won’t be open for us to receive.
As one of the promises that we have on our index cards states, “I promise to give without expectation of reciprocity from the channels I enrich, because I know I am in the dynamic flow of giving and receiving”, referencing Emerson’s Law of Compensation.
In addition, this week we learned the background story of the life of Og Mandino, whose book, “The Greatest Salesman in the World” is an integral part of the Master Key Experience. The Scroll 6 from this book, which we are focused on this month, shows the importance of being able to control one’s emotions to increase sales, leading to abundance. He says focusing on bringing joy, enthusiasm, brightness and laughter to the market place leads to increased sales.
We also were given a new progression to add to our arsenal of tools to influence our “subby” in the form of 4 new index cards highlighting the different pillars of the Law of Least Effort. The Law of Least Effort includes acceptance, responsibility and defenselessness.
This dovetails nicely into the statement from W. Clement Stone that “it takes less energy to succeed than to fail.” We have been preparing for this third pillar, defenselessness, through our practice of the Mental Diet and the habit of not expressing any opinions.
This is another example of how what we’re learning in the Master Keys has combined to bring us to where we are today. As we head toward our commencement in a couple of weeks, it’s exciting to see how far we’ve come in developing ourselves to become self-directed thinkers, capable of breaking from the old blueprint to create the life we desire.
Nicely said, Jack. I also really appreciate how well all the materials fit together.