Throughout these last 23 weeks I have been ingesting, thinking and evaluating an incredible amount of information that was specially prepared for us in exactly the right order to get us to think for ourselves, lose the group think and take responsibility for becoming a self-directed thinker.
I can say without question or hesitation that it is working, and I have personally noticed my evolution as a different person than when I started this journey 23 weeks ago. It has been work, no doubt about it, it has been a big investment of time and a commitment to a pursuit of excellence.
It has been and continues to be a journey of self-discovery. I do not fear the ending of this class because I have been given the tools to carry on and overcome with. I have come to the realization of how powerful I am and that I possess all I need to be successful and accomplish my DMP.
We all must at some point step into the Abyss by ourselves and die and be reborn to become what and who we are meant to be.
I greet this this sunrise with cries of joy as a prisoner reprieved from death
The Greatest Salesman in the World, Og Mandino Scroll V
What a great phrase “group think”. You are well on your way of becoming a self directed thinker.
Thank you so much Deanna! That was very kind and that put a smile on my face!
Thanks so much for sharing how MKE has helped you become a better person and a self directed thinker, Robert. Reading your blog put a smile on my face.