Like a magnet, I’ve been attracted to TRUTH, for as long as I can remember. I was a curious kid, always asking questions. It’s actually been super FUN, when you think critically about things, and get a myriad of information, I’ve found you can get pretty close to the TRUTH & the big picture, by putting the “puzzle” together. I believe Charles F. Haanel, author of The Master Key System was also a curious kid.
Charles Haanel, was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1866. Haanel rose from humble beginnings to becoming a pioneer figure in the field of personal development. He taught the Master Key System starting back in the early 1900’s. He had a 24-week correspondence course in 1912, and then published it in book form in 1916. Haanel was ahead of his time, he was a deep thinker. He studied and was mainly influenced by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Wallace Wattles. His foray into the self-help world and literature was fueled by his deep knowing and belief in the power of thought and its ability to effect tangible change in one’s life, and that we are the conductor and controller of our thoughts, therefore we are the creators of our life.
In The Master Key, Part Twenty Four, Line 14, he states,
…remember that thought is creative and consequently every time you allow your thought to rest on any inharmonious condition, you must realize that such conditions are apparent only, they have no reality, that spirit is the only reality and it can never be less than perfect. Charles Haanel
Yes indeed my friends, You are Nature’s Greatest Miracle, and your spirit it perfect!
Of course it’s no fluke that I ended up shooting a couple of pilot shows in the late 1990’s (while working at MGM Studios), and then in 2002 started doing my own talk show on FM Radio in Los Angeles titled “A Right To Know”. Basically I created the titled out of a knowing and wanting to communicate to folks that We The People do have A Right To Know the TRUTH!! I wanted the show and title to empower people to seek truth and that they had every right to ask questions, not be shut or shunned down, and to demand TRUTH!
Now Haanel took TRUTH to another level for me, as he stated in Master Key, Part 24, Line 15,
All thought is a form of energy, a rate of vibration, but a thought of the Truth is the highest rate of vibration know and consequently destroys every form of error in exactly the same way that light destroys darkness; no form of error can exist when the “Truth” appears, so that your entire mental work consists in coming into an understanding of the Truth. This will enable you to overcome every form of lack, limitation or disease of any kind. Charles Haanel
Yes my friends, TRUTH is the HIGHEST RATE OF VIBRATION known and it DESTROYS DARKNESS, indeed! Never let anyone try and stop you or shun you in any way, when seeking TRUTH! “Truth is ABSOLUTE” – (Pt. 24, Ln 16). “Truth is not the result of logical training or of experimentation, or even of observation; it is the product of a developed consciousness.” – (Pt. 24, Ln19). So I pledge to continue seeking and sharing TRUTH with the world, because You Have, A Right To Know! (
Mahalo Sherry for sharing this with all of us! This is love TRUTH is the HIGHEST RATE OF VIBRATION known and it DESTROYS DARKNESS!!
Insightful post Sherry! The TRUTH always prevails.