5 Reflections and 5 wonderfully random (or maybe not so random:) Bonuses from Week 24 in the Master Key Experience (MKE):
1. The Gnawing Void: To not feel uncomfortable, we fill ourselves with distractions. What happens when the Herald (yes…that’s YOU) is called into action? “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Wow here’s a new take…“Poor in Spirit” is when you are EMPTY OF THE PROGRAMMING. When you let go of a life based on the results of society’s…and other people’s thinking, Nature and Spirit both abhor a vacuum. What are you going to fill this void with? Become a channel of vitality.
2. When your heart speaks…take good notes: Everything Is Connected…Wonder surrounds you…yes…this beautifully choreographed dance…you belong in this dance. Transcend the noise…and step into universal breathtaking harmony…look for examples, they are everywhere…Law of Growth will draw out your true nature. So…Change The Way You Look at Things – “Be the observer” – The Observer collapses the wave simply by observing. What are you an observer of? What about an observer of Greatness?…a Service Driven Observer? Look for the qualities that you want to foster in the world…and go find them.
3. JOY IS THE HIGHEST EXPRESSION OF LIFE: What Is Your True Nature? We are connected to all wisdom…Finding our authentic self connects us to our greater Good and all Good…Not giving life but LIFE itself…Realizing our connected relationship yields joy. Pursuit of bliss through service harmonizes chaos. If Joy is the highest expression…why wouldn’t you spend every moment discovering where it is in your life?
4. Thou shalt not bear false witness: If we’re not expressing our true nature, we are bearing false witness. “This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” ~Shakespeare
5. ARE YOU WILLING? To BREAK FREE FROM THE CONDITIONING? The ability is there….are we willing to do it? You have abilities no other life form has….The link is GRATITUDE. You have Unique gifts. Be a beacon for others. Your gifts bring vitality, life itself. “The Kingdom of God is within you,” and “it is your Father’s GOOD PLEASURE to give you the Kingdom.”
BONUS: “I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people.”
— Maya Angelou
BONUS II: “Nothing can permanently deny it’s own true nature.” EMERSON
BONUS III: The Hero within you is greater than all of Nature’s Miracles, being true to your divine spark is effortless and because of it, the world lives.
BONUS IV: Just like the image above…be willing to unlock…shed the zipper and live on the dream side…and…inspire others to live theirs. Abracadabra – Create as you speak…
Yes…“gold in the mind may be transmuted into gold in the heart and in the hand” is one of the bonus that got dropped on the cutting room floor…there were so many this past week. Perfect that you have it here for posterity. Thank you for your support these many weeks here in the blogosphere. So appreciate your take on this work.
Cheryl…Thank you for your lovely words. It’s been delightful meeting you and Ron, and thru you both your amazingly talented daughters. Looking forward to meeting you in Vegas!
Truly honored, kind sir. It’s been fun having you on this adventure. Your promise the first week saying you would be joining me on this blogging journey will always be my go to example of “I always keep my promises.”
Lewis…what a journey. Remembering the synchronicity of you, me and Charmaigne finding out we were all 20 mins from each other and meeting for coffee. Awe..some.
Marie, a wonderful summary of the past six months. Pursuing your bliss through service is the best way to harmonize the chaos and distraction.
Thanks for finishing strong, Marie! It’s been quite a pleasure following you these past 6 months!!!
That was really good Marie. I would like to copy this and post it in my office for a daily reminder of the poor in spirit, the Law of Growth and how everything is connected, Joy is the highest expression in life, and BREAKING AWAY FROM THE CONDITIONING!!! Good things to be reminded of.
Hey Marie, you pick some excellent reflections. I really like the one when your heart speaks listen. Yet it makes me think of the last line in intro to 24 where he says, “gold in the mind may be transmuted into gold in the heart and in the hand”. To me this says if you mind is full of love, abundance, beauty, harmony gratitude joy and peace, they will be omnipresent.
Love is truly the answer!