MKE Week 24 – Contemplating Commencement

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Category:  Week 24


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Commencement is this Sunday and after that I get to be self-directed. In my sits, I’ve been contemplating my authentic path forward. I’ve also been focusing on opportunities to enrich my friends, both old and new.

In addition, I’ve been reflecting on the Law of Least Effort. Very much akin to the Mel Robbins “Let them” theory, I’m beginning to understand the absolute waste of effort disagreeing with events, circumstances and people really is. It is monumentally freeing to let all that go. Life is perfect. The Universe is perfect. I am perfect. & all those people who used to drive me crazy are perfect.

Right now, I’m starting with a blank slate and envisioning the rituals the will define my day and support my DMP. Realizing the vision of my life with ease and joy is worth the fight with subbie.

Right now, it’s a dog fight, but very soon I will win and experience the peace and satisfaction of being the person I was always meant to be. Have I gained weight, yes. Have I gotten sick when I rarely do, yes. Is my entire existence messy, yes. And yet I know that with the blink of an eye, all of it will transform into health, beauty and happiness. I will complete my quest and my life will be transformed.

Meet Dana Green

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