Wow what a finale! Week 24 tied it all together as we prepare for commencement. It’s been a quick and powerful 24 weeks! I can’t believe it has elapsed so quickly as I reflect back on my beginning, buying the note books, colored pencils, 3×5 index cards and organizing them for the kickoff of MKE 2023-24.
It has been a marvelous 24 weeks with highs and lows and doubt and overcoming. We’ve lost some of us along the way but congratulations to all of us still standing who did the work, heard and answered the call, persisted and persevered. I am so grateful for Mark and Davene and Lori and all the guides and my fellow Master Mind Alliance!
It has been a journey that was filled with blood, sweat, toil and tears which is not ending but is continuing on! I know that I have learned so much and I have been armed with truth, now I must continue on my Hero’s Journey and apply it because knowledge does not apply itself.
I now know that any problems I may encounter can be overcome by looking within for my answers. I am a spirit with a body and a spirit is the highest form of thought with the highest vibration and I am part of the whole, the Universal Mind.
I am connected to all things and know that I have a purpose and with gratitude and service, like the bee in the movie I too can impact and make the world better without ever being aware of my significance.
As I continue becoming the person I am meant to be I cannot let anything stop me from becoming that person and doing what I was meant to do
Love your post, my sentiments exactly! Thank you for sharing your journey and feelings … and I love the picture you chose!
Thank you so much for sharing your insights on your Hero’s Journey.
Thanks so much for sharing your upbeat, inspirational blog, Robert. I smiled reading everything you wrote. Thanks so much for sharing your Hero’s Journey.