Termites are insidious little creatures. I found out a year ago that my home had an infestation of termites so I immediately called a reputable exterminator to come resolve the issue.
They installed bait stations around the perimeter of the house as well as inside in the basement area where there was evidence of their presence.
The exterminator was out the other day for the annual check and found that some of the bait stations had been consumed while others had not. The ones that had been consumed were replaced.
It’s been a long, ongoing process and it got me to thinking.
Lies and misinformation are just as insidious as termites. They proceed in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects.
They infiltrate the subconscious mind and wreak havoc with our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Many times to the detriment of our family, our friends, and ourselves.
In order to eradicate the lies and misinformation from the subconscious mind we need to replace them with truth and valid information.
The question is, how do we do that?
You contact a reputable lie exterminator to help you replace the lies and misinformation with truth and valid information. They will guide you in setting up defensive stations around the perimeter of the subconscious mind to keep the lies and misinformation from gaining entry. They will also replace lies and misinformation that have already entered the subconscious mind with truth and valid information.
This is also a long, ongoing process. It doesn’t end with the first application but will continue for your lifetime.
The key is finding a reputable lie exterminator. I was fortunate enough to find the Master Key Experience course. It certainly has been a process and from what I can tell it will continue for my lifetime.
Do you have a lie and misinformation infiltration issue? You may not even realize it if you do. Either way you should look into the Master Key Experience. It will change your life.
Thanks for the kind words Joan!
Thanks Arlene. I appreciate you. 😊
I absolutely love this post! What a great analogy, and so true! MKE is a great exterminator when it comes to that situation. Good job!
Hi Charlie, I enjoyed your post. Indeed, termites (aka lies) can be eradicated by proper processes repeated through time. MKE is the best place to begin the journey of discovery.