Last week was filled with excitement and wonder. This week is filled with just making it through. It’s been a very busy and chaotic week at work. I am glad tomorrow is Friday.
I’ve been the observer and still wonder why I fight myself. The old blueprint no longer serves me. So why do I feel like I’m serving it?
No opinions, a mental diet, and now “no TV” has me thinking my life has been ridiculous up to this point. It can only get better.
I also realize I’m addicted to TV. I watch way more than necessary. Trying to “not” watch TV for an entire week is too overwhelming. It’s been one-day-at-a-time.
Thank you, Dana for your encouragement. I wish you the best in getting the old blueprint out of your life.
Thank you, Joan. I’m getting better. Also had a solid day of not TV. Watched a one-hour program and felt like I had thrown everything away.
Deanna, a safety blanket is exactly what it is! It makes so much more sense now. Thank you for your insight.
Thanks for sharing your journey, including your struggles. I too struggle with letting go of my old blueprint some days. It’s like a safety blanket. I don’t need it anymore, but it’s scary to leave it behind and face the world without it.
I also understand the struggle with watching a lot of TV. My former addiction was too much Facebook and YouTube. So I chose to limit both to an hour each daily. I put it in my DMP they were my sacrifices, but my guide suggested I write my sacrifice in a way it didn’t feel like a sacrifice so Subby wouldn’t fight back. It was hard at first but now that time I used to spend on both, I can concentrate on my MKE lessons and readings. I now use YouTube to listen to Og Mandino read Scroll 2, Emmet Fox’s The Seven Day Mental Diet, and Emerson’s Compensation. You’ll get through this because you can be what you will to be.
Hi Ava, Good observation that you are addicted to TV. Now you can make the changes you so desire one day at a time. You have this. Cheering you on
Ava, we seem to be on the same roller coaster ride – up & down, week to week. So much about my life I want to change and my old blueprint seems to be fighting me tooth & nail the whole way. I hope you have a calmer week next week.