5 Reflections from Week 8 in the Master Key Experience:
Bonus: New Word(s) to use this week (3 astonishing ones)
1. Self Directed Thinkers – I have chosen to re-write my DMP as I’ve been very UN-astonished with it for the past 8 weeks. My Amazing Guide asked on my last go round, “are you sure you have the right PPNs?”
I thought I did…until I had a conversation with a friend, who has known me for over a dozen years, on a drive to Florence Beach on the Oregon Coast and wow…she set me straight. When Mark had said in the Intro video this week that some people write their first DMPs from their Cemented, Red Penciled self, I got another jolt that a re-write is necessary.
2. R2A2 – Recognize Relate Assimilate Apply. We took this to the next level today. Specifically, what is the action between Assimilate and Apply that champions of themselves know? That amazing step is FOCUS.
Using Mark’s example, which has happened for me: I no longer workout to get healthy. I WORK OUT BECAUSE I AM HEALTHY. Where do I want my focus so that whatever I’m assimilating, by adding focus to the process the application becomes a power-filled spiritual experience.
3. Get 1% Better every day. Since the premise is that we play like we practice, I put this 1% task on my Service Card. Will be interested to report next week…that means 7% better by next Sunday… Pre-paving that I will astonish myself…Last night I did a new workout that kicked my butt…so…already 1%ing…
4. Audio Readings each week of MKE. I have so appreciated the team doing the audios of each of the chapters of the Master Key System. This week was Mark’s turn and his “diversions” from the text are quite brilliant. Highly recommend all the audios…and…Week 8 is one for the books.
5. Battleship Exercise – This exercise is so attuned to my way of thinking, to not see situations and things at face value… to delve deep into why one creates said thing in the first place. Quarter inch by quarter inch.
The premise of the Battleship exercise is to take an object and follow it back to its origination, see of what it really consists. I can already see that this is a powerful tool for my tool belt of life.
1. Vigilant (adj.) late 15c., from French vigilant “watchful, anxious, careful,” present participle of vigilare “to watch, keep awake, not to sleep, be watchful.
2. Paean (noun) A song of joyful praise or exultation, tribute.
3. Immutable im·mu·ta·ble (adj) unchanging over time or unable to be changed – an immutable fact.
To you, Astonishing One – Here is my favorite poem from Mary Oliver:
“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
Hey Marie, what a beautiful share you are all over it! Thanks oh and the poem rocks!
I feel the joy and passion as you go through the Master Key journey!
Great blog Marie. And thanks for BONUS NEW WORD(s): and your favorite poem.
Changing your DMP in Week 8 sounds challenging. One thing that isn’t a challenge, Marie, is reading one of your tasteful blogs. Bon appetite! 🙂
Marie, thank you! Your blog is a lesson on itself, and it has sparked some ideas for me. I love the poem at the end of your blog; easy to memorize….a little harder to apply, but getting much easier with the tools we’re adding to our belt!
Thank you!
Value packed blog Marie. Your life tool belt is clearly growing. Bravo and keep celebrating every 1%! It all counts!!