MKE Week 8 – Back in the Swing

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Category:  Week Eight


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Alright, so week eight is here and I am finally getting back in the swing of things. I’m not sure why I was resisting.

Maybe I thought some of the activities seem childish. Maybe I’ve been afraid what my friends would thing of shapes all around my house. I’m not sure, but I’m back in the swing.

I finished my movie poster this week. I know it was late, but I’m glad to have gotten it done. More importantly, I thoroughly enjoyed creating it and I love the feeling I get when I look at it.

On another note, I have a massage therapist who comes from a family of very intuitive people. They feel energy differently than most of us. It’s very interesting and I’ve been friends with this family for decades.

Anyway, I had a massage scheduled yesterday and she remarked how much different my energy felt.

She said it is much calmer and more focused than it has ever been, and she’s been my massage therapist for years. That was super nice to hear and just reinforced the process.

When I mentioned I had been clacking she asked why. I didn’t have a good reason, besides Davene’s comment of “it’s easy to do, but also easy to not do.”

Getting this feedback, and completing the movie poster in the same week has got me back on track and definitely made me realize I am taking positive things away from this and making positive improvements in my life by following the steps.

I hope everyone is having a great day.

Meet Teri Hartshorn

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  • Teri, thank you for sharing the confirmation you got on your own growth. Within each of us, we can feel it. Just keep it up! You inspire others!

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