MKE Week 8 – Good vs Evil

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Category:  Week Eight


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There is a constant battle between good and evil. I have come to realize that it is in every plane of existence. Haanel speaks of it in the intro to chapter 8 and I have been experiencing it with doing the work.

The strangest things are happening. Like I was 3 days into the mental diet and feeling really good about myself. And then… my wife made a comment and I reacted like a 5-year-old. I even stormed off in a tantrum to go have a pity party before I realized what was happening. Needless to say, reset.

It was a complete unexplained inappropriate lash out. It was without a doubt my old blueprint lashing out. I’ve seen this many times in many forms and I even teach my agents about it.
John Eldredge explains it very well in his book “Wild at Heart”

We are in a constant battle of good and evil. Now he is talking about the spiritual battle but I have experienced it in every walk of life and again here. When we are doing good the enemy(evil) will attack. The attack is in 3 levels.

Level one. This is the whisper. The voice in your head saying “what are you doing? You are not capable of that. You don’t have the time, skills, energy or whatever for that. You shouldn’t even try. I tell ya what, just quit now and it will all be ok.”

I experienced that when starting the MKE journey. Maybe you did as well. We all powered through that attack.

Second, and this is the big attack. The enemy will attack your family. It will tell you” See, you can’t do that. You have your focus on other things and your family is falling apart. They need you. You should just quit and go take care of them and it will all be ok.”

I experienced this in a huge way when I was leading a ministry. I was running Celebrate Recovery and working with people that were struggling with addiction. During that time, I found out that my son was using drugs and had spun out of control.

The enemy threw that in my face and said “Look at you. Ha, your own son is strung out and you think you can help other people. You need to quit the ministry and take care of your family. All this time and effort on CR has left your family falling apart.”

I’ll be honest. It almost took me out. I had a great support team and they helped me see the attack and gave me strength to fight back. I’m sure that there are many in this program experiencing this right now. The old blueprint is attacking our family. Our most treasured gem. It’s telling us that we are spending too much time on the silly exercises and not with our family. Don’t give in, don’t give up.

Because if you stand your ground the Third phase is “Ok, Listen, If you put down your guns I’ll put down mine. Just stop and everything will be ok.”

That’s when I say “Hell No!” I am not putting them down. I’ve got this! I’ve beat you! I have the power of God on my side and I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me!”

Now, the current battle between old blueprint and new blueprint may not be as intense but it has the same 3 phases. They keep showing up in all the battles of good and evil so it does not surprise me that it is showing up here.

I can be what I will to be.

I will to be good not evil.

Kenny V

Meet Ken Varilek

I'm Ken, your friendly neighborhood real estate expert with a twist of personality. For the past 10 years, I've been on a mission to redefine what it means to buy or sell a home. Wondering how this journey began? It all started with a genuine love for helping people and a construction background that gave me a unique perspective on houses.

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