This past week I had something rear it’s ugly head. I often play in a way that shows the first rule of my game is to have people love me. I am a people pleaser. And, I love people, so this works well for me.
However, it also means that I am used to putting my true desires on the back burner for fear of rubbing someone the wrong way. I mean, what would happen if they rejected my idea? Doesn’t it also mean that they reject me too?
This past week a friend’s husband contacted me again. He started asking me to run away with him 9 years ago, after my divorce. I rejected him and blocked his number yet did not tell his wife, my good friend, because I didn’t want to hurt her. His advances were not wanted nor reciprocated, and I wanted her to be happy.
This past week, I learned that he has started doing the same thing to another friend of ours. Plus, his wife, my “friend” has a house to sell, reached out to me, and has been extremely difficult to work with. My playing it safe, putting my truth on the side has caused frustration and invitation for people to come in my life which do not line up with my DMP.
Greeting the day with love does not mean that we sacrifice ourselves, for the love that we have must come from within, meaning that we must look in the mirror and love ourselves first.
That girl staring back at me from the mirror this week was not happy with how I have handled this situation. I am speaking my truth, standing strong, and taking charge with a “Do it Now!” attitude. And, doing so in love. I love my friend, I love myself, I even send love to her husband.
I am a powerhouse of liberty and true health, I am a slave to good habits, and I greet the day with love!
Wow!! Power blog Ramona. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing a personal experience and how you have applied the MKE principles to navigate and improve the situation.
I love your statement:
“I am speaking my truth, standing strong, and taking charge with a ‘Do it Now!’ attitude. And, doing so in love.”
and this love is for yourself (self-care) and everyone else too… is available and in abundance for all! Inspiring blog!