MKE Week 8 – Hummingbird Kiss

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Category:  Week Eight


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In week 5 of MKE, Haanel instructed us to picture in detail a favorite place while doing our 15 minute meditation. After relaxing my body and mind, I immediately found myself in a rose garden near where I live.

It was a warm clear morning and the variety of the different types of roses were in full bloom. There were big brilliant yellow ones, delicate miniature pink ones, and vibrant red ones. As I sat in the garden taking in the sunshine with a gentle aroma of the flowers in the air, I was visited by another delicate friend, a hummingbird.

She was so lovely as she hovered near a red rose and was close enough to me that I felt the movement of her wings kiss my right cheek. I was overwhelmed by this miracle, said thank you, and asked if she had a message for me.

I didn’t hear it but I felt her message in my heart— “See the beauty”. My tiny friend reminded me to take time to see the beauty always surrounding me. What a joyful message and one I will carry in my heart no matter what is happening around me.

In week 8 of MKE, we are asked to picture a huge battleship during meditation time. Wow! What an extremely opposing image for me to hold.

The beauty that I found in this exercise is the fact that we are responsible for the world we create because it takes thought to create such a powerful weapon.

I picture a world, one of peace and love, where such ships would not be necessary. A world where we would use the same resources to create sail boats and cruise ships instead of battleships.

I am reminded of the words of a song we sing at church— “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me”. Yes, it begins with me and it begins with a thought in loving service to all.

As co-creator with God I can use my mental energy to create more rose gardens or battleships. I choose rose gardens and invite you to follow my tiny friend’s advice, to see all the beauty in the world, and to receive one of her kisses.

Meet Carmen Fuentes

I really love being of support to others especially women and children. I am so grateful that I was able to devote 30+ years in joyful service as a maternal/child nurse and Lactation Consultant.

I retired from that career two years ago, sold my condo, moved closer to my lovely daughter and family, and started my home based business. And so the next chapter of my life has begun. It’s going to be a doozy!

I have always been a spiritual seeker. On my self-development quest I have been exposed to the principles that govern our universe and to the wonders of the mind. Since starting MKE I am learning how to combine principle and the power of my subconscious mind to bring about real change in my life and so manifest my dreams. I feel AWESOME!

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  • Carmen, your Week 8 reflections are truly uplifting! Your peaceful and even-tempered nature shines through as you vividly describe the serene rose garden in your meditation. The phrase “See the beauty” encapsulates your kind and accepting perspective. The hummingbird’s message resonates deeply, and your choice to create a world of peace and love is both inventive and admirable. Your balanced and clear perspective on being a co-creator with God is inspiring. Keep spreading the message of beauty and peace – the world needs more voices of reason like yours. Thank you for sharing this harmonious journey, Carmen!

  • Congratulations, on this vivid imagine…very inspiring and motivating to continue this great work we are learning through the Master Key….

  • Thank you, Michael. I really look forward to my meditation time and so grateful MKE has included that in the program.

  • Gracias, Davene. It truly was a magical meditation. I am so grateful for MKE and the guidance you and staff provide.

  • Yes, I’m learning to live in the moment…appreciate nature. I love my dragonflies that visit me . I know they have a message.

  • Carmen, I love your comment “A world where we would use the same resources to create sail boats and cruise ships instead of battleships”. That is great!!!

  • I love your post Carmen.

    I struggle with visualizing stuff in vivid detail.

    I really love your visualization you experienced with your 15 minute daily sit.

  • Carmen! So glad you shared this story…and I loved how you weaved it with the Battleship Exercise. Nicely done!

  • Oh my, Carmen. You have quite the way with words. I was transported to that rose garden with you and your friend. Beautiful vision and message. Thank you!

  • You me and Suzette it’s a truly great read and experience mahalo Carmen and Mahalo Angela for commenting

  • OMGosh I said the same thing above and I didn’t realize it until I read your comment – mahalo for commenting btw!

  • Carmen, I second what Angela said below. I was also transported to this beautiful garden.

  • Hi Carmen!
    Your blog just transported me to the rose garden. I felt so peaceful reading your beautiful writing! I’m going to use that wonderfully described experience as a basis for my meditation tomorrow!
    Thank you for sharing!

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