The simplicity of the scrolls in The Greatest Salesman in the World belies how profound they are. The line in Scroll II that I continually gravitate to is “I welcome obstacles for they are my challenge.”
I’ve noticed this week that tasks that are ordinarily easy, automatic, or simple have required extra effort to complete. I’ve just finished the third attempt to get my prescription refilled. First, I found out my pharmacy closed, so I tried to use the pharmacy from the health system I use. That pharmacy is out-of-network for my prescription coverage. My third attempt is to transfer to another pharmacy & see if this works. Fingers crossed.
I welcome obstacles.
Developing a love for challenge is a mental hurdle, and I can absolutely see the benefit to having that perspective. One of the things I’ve thought about this week is how many aspects of my mental life needed growth and I had no idea.
Embracing challenge will lead to massive growth. I have more need for growth than I believed when I started this journey. Right now, it’s uncomfortable and my self-confidence has taken a beating.
However, If I’m ever to have authentic confidence, I need to be aware of every part of me that doesn’t align with my vision of the person I want to be, and clearly it’s going to be much harder work than I thought to refine my rough edges.
Practice and hard work are the only way to get where I want to be.
Hi Dana, “Developing a. love for Challenge” Yes Dana, I needed to hear this today. Thank you for sharing. You are growing in confidence daily.