MKE Week 8 – It’s The Law!

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Category:  Week Eight


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It’s the law! This evokes pleasant (now that I’m and adult) memories of my fathers response to my protests, most usually accompanied shortly after the commission of my many wayward teenage transgressions.

There was never any negotiations or easing of said law upon its infraction, no matter how many times I tried. You commit the crime, you did the time. End of story. This made it immutable. No matter how much I protested or tested it, the one thing I grew to count on was that the Law, no matter how much I disliked it, and the consequences of violating that law, was a wonderful, stabilizing constant.

This week Haanel introduces us to the concept that our thoughts and the consequences of those thoughts have results and those results are governed by immutable law! On the surface, my old blueprint would see that as a negative, however I now find a wonderful sense of ease and new found confidence by understanding that this law works equally BOTH ways!

What a wonderfully liberating idea to realize that the same law that dictates a life of chaos and difficulty brought about by negative and destructive thought, ALSO dictates a life of ease and joy by merely switching the thoughts I choose.

So, now we roll up our sleeves and put the guard to work. Vigilant to the thoughts that slip into our subconscious.

Meet Ron LeDuc

A beautiful woman calls me her husband. Three amazing children call me their daddy. I fly airplanes and am the world’s most mediocre guitar player.

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  • Ron, I really appreciate your sharing your teenage experience of “law” as the backdrop to this wonderful new insight you’re sharing with our Master Mind. “ found confidence by understanding that this law works equally BOTH ways! What a wonderfully liberating idea to realize that the same law that dictates a life of chaos and difficulty brought about by negative and destructive thought, ALSO dictates a life of ease and joy by merely switching the thoughts I choose.” Yay! How different life is with this view!

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