We are the choices we make= Law of Karma
As far back as I can remember in my lifetime. I have been living with the wrong type of Karma. Isn’t it awesome that I have an opportunity to change my old blueprint for the blueprint my Heart desires. I am focusing on my mindset with my magnifying glass on a steady basis.
I can recognize the patterns that lead to things that do not benefit me. On the other side of the glass, I can recognize the positive and productive thoughts that benefit my life today. The weekly assignments and everything that MKE is sharing with my Spirit has convinced me that there is no turning back.
It’s time to continue to push forward and cherish the moments engaging in the MKE spiritual tools. Nothing can stop this Spiritual Warrior on achieving his Darma. Its mine for the taking!
“I Always Keep My Promises”
Myron Wayne Eriacho
Super Proud of you and how you have made the choice and committed to see it through for #1!
Hi Marie…Right! Dont you just Love the way our brother Mark puts it out there. Lets Go! Much Love and Respect.
Thank you Ramona. I am sure your power is as powerful as mine. Lets keep on charging the new blueprint. Love ya….
Thank you Brother for commenting on my blog. Yes, our True Nature is right. Lets continue to go all in…
Myron, thank you! I think the same way, there is no way of turning back. We’ve gotten a glimpse of our true nature, and we can’t unsee it!
Thank you for the blog!
Take it, Myron!! I feel your power in your words. Thank you
Feeling the EnThoooooosiasm from here!