MKE Week 8 – The Spotlight is on “Subby”!

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Category:  Week Eight


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I am finding that The Mental Diet is both a formidable challenge and a gateway to profound insights. Embarking on this journey really requires a disciplined mind.

I am committed to cultivating a mental landscape dominated by positivity. I must vigilantly catch and replace negative thoughts. Maintaining a positive mental diet demands a heightened awareness of one’s internal dialogue. A continuous self-edit is required.

This process has showed me the depth of ingrained patterns and the very habitual nature of my thinking. This, I am finding, is putting the spotlight on the influence of “subby” in shaping my daily perceptions!

A great bonus prize is gained from this self-editing: I am actually discovering the power of my thoughts in shaping my reality. Once I placed my foot on The Master Key Experience path, I have had so many “aha” moments.

I am NOT unconscious of my subconscious! The mental diet becomes a tool for transformation. I believe that the mental diet also affords me the ability to claim control over my mind and reclaim my dreams in life.

The ripple effect on my mindset, then emotions, my beliefs about myself and subsequent actions has been a profoundly enlightening endeavor.

The MKE itself is truly a catalyst for personal growth, fostering the resilience that can only come from a more optimistic outlook. When it comes to my oath to cultivate a positive mental landscape – the tools of the MKE are akin to gardening with Grace and tenacity the fertile soil of my soul!

Meet Angela Morgan

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  • I greatly enjoyed your blog. Such insight and the way you explained in great detail are amazing.

  • What a beautiful comment, Michael!
    One thing I know is that I am determined not to let old negative thoughts edge out new positive ones!👍😀🙏🏼

  • Hi Angie – I love this: I am NOT unconscious of my subconscious!
    You are amazing. So much insight. Thank you for sharing.

  • Angela,
    Your blog post resonates deeply with me! Your proactive and determined approach to The Mental Diet is truly commendable. Your commitment to cultivating a positive mental landscape reflects your assertive and action-oriented nature. It’s inspiring to witness your self-awareness and continuous self-editing, showcasing your leadership qualities. Your articulate expression of the profound insights gained demonstrates your visionary and pragmatic mindset. The Master Key Experience has indeed become a transformative tool for you, highlighting the power of your thoughts in shaping reality. Keep embracing the journey with grace and tenacity – you’re paving the way for personal growth!

  • Angela, what a great comparison of the MKE to a gardening experience. So many riches to yet grow!

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