MKE Week 8 – Warrior Princess Finds Calmness in the Storm

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Doing my daily reads is not something I do, but part of who I am now. I can hardly remember a time of going to sleep without doing my reads first. It ends my day with a reflective attitude and a reminder that tomorrow I can be even better.

Some mornings I rush off to work, read my cards and do my “Do it nows” in the car, then try to do my morning read at my desk. Those days I don’t feel as grounded. The days I get up, drink my coffee while doing my read, I start off calmer and seem to have a calmer day.

I struggle with my afternoon reads, and know this is the next thing to tackle and get it right. I have Og on my desk next to me, and my movie poster hanging in front of me all day. These constantly remind me of the journey I am on. I hardly ever have a block of time during my day where I am not reminded somehow of this journey I’m on.

I printed out several smaller movie posters, taped one on the inside of my car door so I see it when I exit my car. I taped another one to my laptop so it is always in sight. I wear a really cool compass necklace I found on Amazon.

I also have a compass on the dash of my car. I even have an extra set of index cards in my car. They remind me to say my “Do it now” and “I can be what I will to be.”

I took a picture of my movie poster and have it as my wallpaper on my phone. I don’t have a shirt pocket like Mark J, but this works awesome. I was in the bank, and the gentleman in front of me had 3 huge deposits.

The teller apologized that it may take a few minutes. I replied I was in no hurry. I pulled out my phone and looked at my movie poster. I looked at the shapes and colors and went through each dream picture I had on the board, taking a moment to imagine and feel those dreams.

I took a moment to Thank God for giving me those moments to ponder my dreams. Our lives get so busy that we forget to take those moments.

I really struggled with the idea of no tv for a week. I had a little pow-wow with myself trying to justify maybe an hour an evening to “work on my crafts for Christmas gifts”. My polo group was great and helped me come up with some great ideas on things I could use instead of the tv.

I decided to embrace the challenge, and every evening while working on my crafts, I have watched several training videos of Mark J for my networking business! I have used that time wisely, and am thankful for the challenge.

I can’t say I won’t watch tv again, but I have definitely seen the benefit of not having that distraction and how much more I can get done without it!

It’s hard to believe that we have only been doing the MKE for only 2 months. I have learned so much and so much has changed in my perspective and attitude.

I am thankful every day that I found MKE. I am thankful for my tribe and all the wonderful people I have met and all the ones I will meet in the future.

The Warrior Princess is becoming a new woman. New and improved!

Meet Juli Casco

I am a widowed mother of 3 amazing young adult children. I moved to Tyler, Texas a year ago to start a new chapter in my life. I am an entrepreneur, and have many dreams I am pursuing.

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  • WOW Juli, I have read and reread your blog. I luv your clarity and I thank you for helping me. Blessings my friend.

  • Great share Juli. Congratulations on merging the MKE requirements into the gifts of time you have been given – “I took a moment to Thank God for giving me those moments to ponder my dreams.”

  • Juli, thanks for the share, honesty and the tips you use throughout out the day as you grow and reprogram hubby.

    In your calmness you will continue to grow and progress mentally – law of relaxation.

  • Thanks, Juli, Warrior Princess–great title! I especially love your observation that your “daily reads is not something I do, but part of who I am now.” Imagine if lots more people went off to sleep that way every night! Cheering you on to continued and deep MKE success!

  • How incredible your journey has been so far, and you’re really just getting started, Juli. Thank you so much for the share of your implementation AND the changes coming into place. Super inspirational. Thank you!!

  • Juli, wonder to hear you are in the plan of working and figuring out how to make this all happen. Congratulations and may Peace be in your life forever.

  • Juli,
    Your journey is truly inspiring! Your deliberate and detail-conscious approach, evident in your daily reads, showcases a nurturing and intimate connection with your personal growth. The way you integrate MKE into every aspect of your day reflects your loyalty and dependability. Your commitment to the challenge, like the TV-free week, demonstrates your thoughtful and quality-oriented mindset. The phrase “The Warrior Princess is becoming a new woman. New and improved!” captures the positive transformation, and your gratitude radiates sincerity. Keep embracing the journey, Juli – your reflective attitude and calmer days are a testament to your growth!

  • What a great reminder of how slipping in little moments of time throughout the day begins to add up. Time that we would have otherwise fetter away. What we had no clue of what mattered two months ago… now matters most. Thanks!

  • We are so thankful also Juli that you found us your life and energy are a great addition to this amazing class of 23-24!

  • Thanks so much for sharing your journey Juli. I always look forward to your blogs and Marco Polo videos.

    I liked how you are able to make time for your daily reads throughout your day, including the bank. I can relate. I bring my index cards with me too, so when I’m waiting for someone or I’m cooking, I can read them. I like how you have your movie posters taped to your car door and laptop. Great idea!

    I liked your solution to the no TV assignment. What a great way to being productive and advancing your business.

    I’m definitely cheering you on this self action journey. Great job Warrior Princess!

  • Great message Juli. I love how you are fitting in all that MKE requires into the nooks and crannies of your day.

  • What a great share Juli, this is definitely a journey and an exciting one for sure. You seem to be growing daily and embracing the entire experience. Bravo to you!!

  • Bravo Warrior Princess!! You are engaging in the material and clearly receiving the benefits. Yahhhoooo!!!

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