Week 8 – Awareness

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Category:  Week Eight


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This week we were instructed to form an alliance with another MKE member, create a Mastermind.

That means I must communicate with another individual. Not about work or something superficial, but establish a connection with that person.

What’s really interesting is that I see now that I, for the most part, have participated in group functions at work and church looking like a team player but functioning with my guard up!

I have for many years alienated myself from people including family. The reason? Afraid of rejection. Something that started pretty much when I arrived here on this earth. Wondering if ‘they’ (the parents, siblings, boyfriend, etc.) loved me.

The gal in the glass says she loves me. I believe that I love myself.

I’ve had a few days to think about this and I reminded myself that one of the biggest reasons I decided to step into this course for a second time was so that I could establish relationships with like-minded people.

Well, now it’s Go Time.

We are 8 weeks in and it is clear to my conscious mind, that in order to get what I want, I must let go of what I do not want. Definitely, easier said than done.

Meet Robin Walker

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  • I appreciate your lovely and vulnerable share. I’m rooting for you just as I’m rooting for me.

  • Hi Robin, thank you for sharing, letting your guard down and stepping into what you want. ‘Keep on keeping on.’

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