This week we were instructed to form an alliance with another MKE member, create a Mastermind.
That means I must communicate with another individual. Not about work or something superficial, but establish a connection with that person.
What’s really interesting is that I see now that I, for the most part, have participated in group functions at work and church looking like a team player but functioning with my guard up!
I have for many years alienated myself from people including family. The reason? Afraid of rejection. Something that started pretty much when I arrived here on this earth. Wondering if ‘they’ (the parents, siblings, boyfriend, etc.) loved me.
The gal in the glass says she loves me. I believe that I love myself.
I’ve had a few days to think about this and I reminded myself that one of the biggest reasons I decided to step into this course for a second time was so that I could establish relationships with like-minded people.
Well, now it’s Go Time.
We are 8 weeks in and it is clear to my conscious mind, that in order to get what I want, I must let go of what I do not want. Definitely, easier said than done.
Imagine what can happen at the end of 26 weeks, Keep on going Robin!
I appreciate your lovely and vulnerable share. I’m rooting for you just as I’m rooting for me.
Hi Robin, thank you for sharing, letting your guard down and stepping into what you want. ‘Keep on keeping on.’
To second what Jen said, you got this! And we are cheering you.
Beautiful blog Robin. You got this! We are all cheering you on.