La lección #11 ha venido a fortalecer mis facultades de creer en mí, practicando más la fe. Nos recuerda cómo el Gran Maestro Jesús nos dejó el legado del maravilloso poder de creer que “Las cosas que deseéis, cuando oréis, creed
Week Eleven: What is inductive reasoning?
We are continuing to learn how to raise our awareness to the achievement of possibilities we didn't previously know existed.
Join us for an adventure in discovering your future self, clarify what you want your life to be - and plan the action to achieve it.
Reflections on Week Eleven
This lesson discusses inductive reasoning, in which we compare a number of different situations until we discover a common cause.
In line 21, Haanel states, “The operation of this thought process is seen in those fortunate natures that possess everything that others must acquire by toil, who never have a struggle with conscience because they always act correctly, and can never conduct themselves otherwise than with tact, learn everything easily, complete everything they begin with a happy knack, live in eternal harmony with themselves, without ever reflecting much what they do, or ever experiencing difficulty or toil.”
Davene Januszewski
mke Co-founder
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