This week was a mixture of highs and lows. I had a wonderful Christmas dinner with my brother and wife and Boxing Day was spent with friends but also brought terrible news about a family member.
The girls arrived on the 28th and we had a wonderful visit until mid-afternoon on New Year’s Eve. I guess between driving from the Prairies, rushing to unpack and settle the apartment, Christmas, the excitement of the daughter and grand-daughter’s visit and the devastating news, it was more than this old body could take.
I got hit, hard, by a bug that kept me staggering from bed to bathroom to couch and back for almost 6 days. Thank goodness, the girls had plans to visit friends on New Year’s Day so they took my car and scooted off. They both left for home the next day and fortunately neither caught my bug.
Happy the you were able to enjoy Christmas with your family.