It is amazing that as we have been working for weeks and months to be great observers, then battleshipping to not focus on not the end results of all that is around us, but observing everything from an intention to its manifestation, that now we move into “The Franklin Makeover”.
Looking for my first week’s attribute is so natural, and not just finding the obvious, on the surface, in your face attribute, but in essence battleshipping and finding several examples of the same attribute from different angles of the same experience.
Things that a few months back were just noise in the background, and just went unnoticed, now just jump out. Of course, the first couple of days I really had to work hard and think about it, but as the week has progressed it’s become easier to find the attribute which is my focus for this week.
It’s about the same it was when we first started looking for the color shapes and focusing on a shape and a color every week. At first it was a real challenge, but as time passed, it became easier to find the different color shapes even in not so obvious places.
I’m experiencing the same thing with the gratitude cards. At first it was the typical things, but as I keep writing more and more gratitudes and even verbalizing them, the more things to be grateful for I have every day.
I don’t know how much better this party is going to get, but I’m staying and finding out!
Fantastic job sticking with it, being the observer. Party on!
Day, thank you for your comment. This experience is truly amazing, and like Mark and the rest of you have said several times: there’s no going back!
Pedro, it’s awesome how you’re growing in your observation skills, and noticing that all the work we’ve done to now is intentional and truly developmental. SO glad you’re staying with it. See you in Kansas City for the total mind-blowing live event, taking you to the next level!