“Growth is attained through an exchange of the old for the new, of the good for the better; it is a conditional or reciprocal action, for each of us is a complete thought entity and this completeness makes it possible for us to receive only as we give.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 15:4
“All conditions and experiences that come to us do so for our benefit. Difficulties and obstacles will continue to come until we absorb their wisdom and gather from them the essentials of further growth.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 15:7
“In the physical world there is a law of compensation which is that ‘the appearance of a given amount of energy anywhere means the disappearance of the same amount somewhere else,’ and so we find that we can get only what we give; if we pledge ourselves to a certain action we must be prepared to assume the responsibility for the development of that action. The subconscious cannot reason. It takes us at our word; we have asked for something; we are now to receive it; we have made our bed, we are now to lie in it; the die has been cast; the threads will carry out the pattern we have made.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 15:29
“For this reason Insight must be exercised so that the thought which we entertain contains no mental, moral or physical germ which we do not wish objectified in our lives.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, 15:30
Before I started this post, I finished my Luminosity engagement on “Train of Thought”. Divided Attention — the ability to process multiple streams of information.
Wait a doggone minute! Isn’t that multi-tasking? And of course I must “beat my score” so I continue to “play to win”! Win? Win what?
As I think about my Definite Major Purpose (DMP), how is playing this game helping me win? What action or actions associated with these trains is supporting my DMP? Is it taking time away from my priorities? Am I confusing my subconscious mind with my “I persist I win”, mantra?
I even changed my position and view of the game, suggesting that one of these changes would seal my win. That’s another thing. Am I playing to win or just playing? Am I doing this in other areas of my life? Playing a small game instead of a Bigger Game?
Breaking News: This is not okay. This conflicts with Natural Universal Law. My higher self observed what I was doing and told me to “knock it off”! The actions of my DMP are my priority and my subconscious has taken me at my word. I can’t let me down over a dopamine fix!
I am playing a new game from a new position. I have observed my position. I have learned the lesson. I am choosing to play a Bigger Game.
I am playing to win!
You certainly are playing to win! Way to go:)
DJ, this is amazing insight! Such a simple little thing, yet it has so much power over the rest of our lives. Thank you for your share on this.