MKE Week 5 – Great & Noble Thoughts Become Great & Noble Acts

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Category:  Week Five


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“You can originate thought, and since thoughts are creative, you can create for yourself the things you desire.”

-Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Part 5, Intro

One expert on the subconscious mind said that thought is the most powerful force in the universe.

You are dealing with the most powerful creative force in the universe.

“Human thoughts have a tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent.”-

Earl Nightingale, The Science of Personal Achievement, Page xxii

Your thoughts are force, energy, and power that shapes and controls matter which is powerless, passive, and inert.

Thoughts manifest their transformative powers through our conduct and actions.

These new habits of attitude and action change our circumstances with friends and acquaintances and eventually our whole world transforms to express the physical equivalent of our human thoughts.

Great and noble thoughts which we think repeatedly become habitual and make us act in great and noble ways.

Think great thoughts everyday that will help you create your heart’s desire through the creative force, energy, and power of your own human thoughts.

Meet David Meyer

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