MKE Week 5 – Press Release

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Category:  Week Five


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We are lucky today to catch a local entrepreneur/philanthropist before she boards her flight to her villa in Tulum, Mexico. Anna is someone who is always headed from place to place and it often seems like she is in several places at the same time. She is the largest benefactor and a regular volunteer for 3 Ontario-based non-profit organizations, Million Dollar Smiles, Dog Tales and Brain Cancer Canada.

Although that would seem like a full-time job in itself Anna is a highly sought-after living benefits advisor providing a very unique and affordable extended health benefits. As it turns out Anna had to overcome quite a mountain of obstacles to become an agent of change and create the type of life many would call what dreams are made of, and today she is sharing her story as well as some resources that could help the reader to create the life of his or hers dreams

SS: so Anna, what has brought you here? Tell me a little bit about your journey and how you got to create this reality that makes you so full of bliss and energy.

AE: Hi Sona, I’m so happy to be sitting down with you here, even though it’s just a boarding lounge and we only have a couple of hours at our disposal. Thank you for reaching out to me and allowing me to share my story which I hope lets the readers know that anything is possible if you just make a decision and pursue a progressive realization of a worthy ideal.

SS: yes, well let’s not ignore the fact that it’s not any ordinary boarding lounge but a private charter lounge, i’ve never interviewed anyone in this type of space before and I’m excited for you to share your story with others.

I have known you for almost 10 years and have seen you make quantum leaps as many would call them. So do tell me, what was it that enabled you to make such massive changes to your life and begin creating such a massive impact?

AE: (chuckling) The changes aren’t massive at all as one would think looking from the outside in. It’s the little hinges that swing big doors. Wouldn’t you agree?

SS: (bursting into laughter) Shameless plug, I love it!

AE: I would say, first and foremost, BELIEVE. What your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. So if you have an ideal picture in your mind of what your life should look and feel like, if you just believe and take baby steps towards realizing that ideal you can definitely accomplish it. Most people give up too soon and unfortunately don’t give their dreams a fighting chance at becoming a reality. Your dreams are born for a reason, just like you; and with some care and cultivation, those seeds of greatness can definitely manifest into a beautiful garden that you can enjoy year-round.

SS: that’s all it takes? Just believing and taking baby steps? Seems so simple, do you mind elaborating?

AE: of course! Creating the life of your dreams IS very simple. Please don’t misunderstand, it’s definitely not an easy task, but it is a simple one. The things I’m about to share with you are very easy to do but also very easy not to do.

You see, it takes a monumental amount of work. Very simple and seemingly boring work to shift your life’s trajectory. Many give up because of how mundane the work is but those who stick with it are rewarded with stupendous riches, both material and those you can’t see with your eyes or count with your fingers.

SS: interesting, so what are those simple mundane, boring things that you do?

AE: well, you gotta take inventory of where you are right now, what you have and how you feel and then once you have it all summed up, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY, for it was all created within your mind first before it ever started showing up in your reality.

Once that is done, you gotta do some cleanup. In the same manner that you would declutter your kitchen drawer or your closet, you have to employ a very similar process to address every idle thought or habit floating in your space of variations as I call it, some call it the quantum field but a term that works for me is the space of variations.

Every thought that enters your mind has a particular effect on the direction you follow which consciously or unconsciously takes you to your eventual destination.

SS: hmm and that’s all it takes to create a mid to high 6 figure yearly income, become a top contributor to not one or two but three local non-profits, a prominent change agent and impact person in your local community and globally, AND spend most of your time on beautiful beaches?

AE: Hey, all that doesn’t come without its price. But yes, to answer your question, that’s all it takes to start that trajectory. To reach it you have to first make room for all that goodness. And then all the mundane work of tilling the ground, removing weeds and fertilizing your garden until it’s time to enjoy the blooms.

SS: makes sense, you’ve lived through almost a decade of below-average results. I know you aren’t shy about sharing that detail, as you say that’s what makes your story so relatable to most people who are reading this. What would you say was the turning point for you?

AE: Great question Sona. For me, once I felt aligned and connected to my true self I felt guided and supported through the process. One of the most impactful things I have done to be able to achieve that is sitting down regularly in stillness and silence and just focusing on either my breath or my heartbeat.

SS: amazing, so everything flowed smoothly once you started meditating regularly.

AE: haha, far from it! I encountered even more challenges, got off track a billion times and got even more lost than I have ever been before… but you know what?

SS: do tell

AE: all those obstacles just made me more determined. Every time I went off course, whether it was because of my previous programming or due to not listening to my gut, my heart… My comeback was always stronger.

The light I saw at the end of the tunnel was brighter and brighter, and perhaps that made it look like I was closer than ever to achieving the life of my dreams and kept me going.

But the main part of it all was that I was starting to enjoy the journey. Not that reaching the destination became less important but the process of becoming the person I aspired to be started bringing me so much joy that the pressure of getting THERE eased up and I was able to stop and smell the wildflowers, bask in the magic of miracles that were taking place around me on the daily basis that I haven’t noticed before.

Like finding an item you were looking for on sale or having a really good yoga stretch that made you turn back time on your back pain, or that coveted parking spot near the store entrance, although I always like to park at the farther end, imagine the glee when you are a bit short on time and pull up to the front of the store and the first spot opens up for you.

Life slowed down, I felt as if I was always at the right place at the right time. Time no longer flew and days seemed more significant than some of the years I have spent on auto-pilot. And that is how I think I’m able to achieve so many things in seemingly less time, life is just moving slower for me.

SS: I love that. I have seen you glow up like no one I know. Where do you find the drive and the energy?

AE: Another great question, Sona. I believe it’s very important to ensure you are wholesomely healthy. Remember when I mentioned clean-up earlier in our conversation?

SS: yep

AE: well after you clean up your inner world you have to keep it clean. That goes for all you consume. Food, water, thoughts, activities etc. I’m very strategic about what is allowed to enter my space. This is where my creations are born. So True health is imperative.

I eat clean food, drink clean water, work out hard 4-5 days per week and do yoga as well as meditate every day. Many aren’t aware that if you are properly meditated, you actually need less sleep than an average person. I would say about half of my day is dedicated to filling my own cup.

SS: wow, that’s powerful. I see your flight is boarding, since we’re out of time, do you mind sharing some of the resources that helped you along the way?

AE: yes absolutely! First and foremost I want to say that all you need is within you. You have all the answers, all the solutions, and all the tools… As cliche as that sounds it’s very true. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on programs that would teach you certain skills.

Trust me when I tell you I was a junkie when it came to upgrading my knowledge base. I love learning and even that didn’t create the type of results I dreamed of having. At the end of the day you must realize that you are a powerful creative energy and if you start working on within, your inner world, your thoughts, feelings, ideas, habits etc first, the work “without” or in the “outside world” will be a lot less challenging.

You will learn how to truly manifest the life you desire. Nothing is off-limits when you realize how powerful you are. Now there’s a lot of content out there and I find most of it has good intentions however doesn’t quite hit the nail on the head.

Remember, I’ve been buying courses and books for the past 22 years. Studying and reading and even tried to incorporate and use what I’d learned but things just wouldn’t stick. Until I came across the Master Key Experience.

You can google it or send me an email and I’ll be happy to forward the link to you. Have to board the flight now. Come visit me at my ocean side villa sometime with the girls and bring your parents too.

SS: thank you, Anna. I think I will definitely take you up on that offer. Have a safe flight and we’ll see you when you’re back!

Meet Anna Estrin

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