MKE Week 5 – The DMP

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Category:  Week Five


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Finally, my DMP has been approved!

As I was when I first saw those initials, you are probably wondering what DMP stands for. DMP is an abbreviation for Definite Major Purpose. It is also known as definite chief aim. A Definite Major Purpose (DMP) is a goal or goals that are most important to you. Something that you deeply desire.

The most important thing is to write down your DMP goal(s) and make them SMART or SMARTER.
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Actionable
R = Realistic
T = Time-Bound
E = Exciting
R = Relevant

One of the biggest struggles I had with writing my DMP was changing it from abstract to concrete and to write it in the present tense. Especially making it more concrete was a huge challenge for me.

At one point I decided to let go of one part and replace it with a material thing that I deeply desire. Because what I most desire has never changed apart from material things. So I know I would fully experience it through this as well.

So, when my DMP was finally approved on October 21st, I was overjoyed! Only on Sunday did that feeling begin to fade, and on Monday, a sad feeling overcame me.

A voice popped up in my head “Why would this time be different?” “You have been going after your deepest desire for how long now? You still haven’t reach anything yet. You probably won’t reach it again. You know you have not been able to connect your feelings to it, and you probably will not be able to do so now. At some point you will also lose the vision of your desire. So, why go through all of this again?”

Monday evening I heard my brother say; “You want, want, want.”

Yes, I kept giving up on my purpose because I thought it was not meant to be. As a result, I have been drifting aimlessly through life, existing only to exist. I no longer want to exist; I want to LIVE.

I still have a flickering flame inside of me that wants to shine brightly.
So yes, I desire to be the person I deep down know I can be.

I desire to share and deeply connect with the flames of those I care about.
I desire to ignite the flame in those who are just existing. So that they can share, connect deeply, and ignite the flame in others. From existing to truly living.

I can be what I will to be.

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Part 4:9

So Can You.
You can be whatever you will to be.
The world needs you to Shine Brightly too.

Meet Myrna Balrak

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  • You have demonstrated persistence and an earnest desire to succeed in the construction of your DMP, and that’s the sign of your true intention to make a difference in your life and in other’s lifes, let your flame be brighter and brighter Myrna, the world needs it! Great post, thank you Myrna!

  • Myrna, your blog is very powerful for me. As I dig deeper and deeper into my heart’s desire, the old blueprint has tried to distract me. One example is: the first draft I submitted to my guide, I was sure was perfect (and it was) it just wasn’t perfectly written and I hadn’t refined my PPNs. So when it came back to me from my guide with things to think about and refine, old blueprint tried to convince me to just give up,(old blueprint had some choice words for my guide), but I dismissed old blueprint and pushed on with the re-write. I’m still submitting and re-submitting my DMP; it is my heart’s desire, it is perfect, and the wording will be perfect!
    Thanks for sharing!

  • Thanks Jen. I appreciate the comments. Yes, we sure need more authentic lights to shine bright. ✨

  • Congrats Myrna! You have done what most people choose not to do….take the time to wrestle with their thoughts and choose what to focus on in this chapter of their life. Bravo for being persistent. Inspiring blog! Yes indeed, the world needs all of us to shine our authentic light.

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