Four weeks on and I am thinking I am still travelling. I may have begun my new life as OG Mandino says in the Scroll Marked 1 in The Greatest Salesman in the World, and I begin to wake each morning with a vitality and an increased enthusiasm.
But is my suitcase heavy or light? We are only on week 4 of Master Key Experience and my DMP keeps travelling back and forth and now I am adding colours to my DMP.
My guide asked in the first week, ‘what am I going to give up to achieve my DMP?’ Initially I was proud of myself saying I would watch less TV. But to be fair for me that is easy as I don’t watch much TV and have minimized the amount I watch a long time ago.
In later iterations, I changed it to something new and I am having to think how will I achieve it? And more to the point how will I do it consistently?
I may bring up the draw bridge and make it even more challenging. The one thing I am reminded in The Master Key System, by Charles Haanel, Part 4:12:
I had better not start at all, because modern psychology tells us that when we start something and do not complete it, or make a resolution and do not keep it, I am forming the habit of failure.
I intend to form a new habit.
I am also thinking how do I add colours when I have not nailed the DMP, like I said it keeps coming back.
I will keep it moving, making the revisions, adding the colours to what I have.
I will add to this suitcase as I travel week to week.
I can be what I will to be – yes yes
Love the suitcase reference as you travel on your MKE journey! Keep moving forward!
Sandra, you can be what you will to be as you continue to move consistently forward! 🙂
Habits are the key, Sandra. Thanks for the reminder about making good choices on which habits we actually want to integrate into our lives — the ones that count to move us forward!