MKE Week 4 – Every Thought Instantly Activates 40 Billion Synaptic Connections!

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Category:  Week Four


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“A thought instantly triggers up to 40 billion synaptic connections.”

-Mark Januszewski

We have discovered in week for cutting edge Nobel Prize winning science that confirms that our thoughts create our reality.

We were given control over only one thing in this lifetime and to the degree which we control our THOUGHTS, will be the exact degree to which control our destiny here on planet earth.

Every person on this planet is ADDICTED to peptides that are triggers by FEELINGS that result in 97 out of every 100 people living in a state of chronic procrastination or chronic self-sabotage.

We have also discovered how to enjoy a sense of personal power which we have never known before through one simple good habit that can help us achieve more.

Thinking is a SPIRITUAL ACTIVITY that allows us to focus SPIRITUAL ENERGY on harmonious and desirable conditions and manifest them into our physical reality effortlessly.

Stay tuned for my upcoming blog post about the MKE which is a new source of pleasure and profit for myself and is going to pay for our next family dream vacation.

Meet David Meyer

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  • I feel you are on the right path on faith, spirituality, family fun and future self … Look forward to your evolved self.

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