I saw a glimpse of the person I used to be, prior to my incident, this week. The past two and half years, I’ve spent adjusting, accepting, and taking one day at a time. I learned to be creative, I took on challenges like a champ, I sang and laughed my physical pain away. I gave myself a lot of grace and I gave my family lots of grace.
Emotions really do control people when they aren’t aware and don’t take a moment to pause, breathe, regroup and start over. I got to the point where I didn’t want to deal with people anymore, including my family. Phone calls from friends asking me, “How are you?” became mundane, and I was tired of answering that question!
I would remind myself, to be nice, they care and really don’t know what to say. My favorite question was…. “What are you doing today?” Get up, get in my wheelchair and roll around the house, hahahahahahaha. I can write a book on what not to ask a person in a wheelchair. I have not been who I was, how I was due to all my distractions of healing and waiting. My patience has grown, I have been kind through every obstacle, positive and grateful. All in all, my healer self was missing.
I share this as this week’s MKE read increased my awareness. “I Can Be What I Will To Be,” say this everyday and finish what I started. My sits were like receiving downloads, visuals were coming at me, people I haven’t thought of in years, who wronged me, popped up and left. I sat in amazement and understood. Interesting is all I can say.
Then one morning, a friend called, said he was in my town and wanted to come visit me. I haven’t seen him since 2019. His brother came with him. As we visited, I could feel them, their energy/emotions. I watched and listened, then I asked questions, I was in my element and was able to help the brother with what he was going through.
Then yesterday, I had two conversations with friends I haven’t spoken to in years. Both of them are having health issues, I was able to support them. Later, in another conversation, it was super crazy, I knew what he was going to say before he said it. Oh boy, it’s been a while since I experienced that.
All in all, I see what’s opening up for me and I feel the sits, reading the MKE is helping me break through this disruption and get me back on track to truly living my purpose, turning on my heart-light to heal others and myself. This week, is the most I’ve felt alive. I love it!!
Yes, I find when I go the daily work of MKE that it is a form of exorcism of negative energies; of limiting beliefs. It is like taking a daily spiritual bath and being cleansed of programs that no longer suit us and our growth. Also, it allows us to be free of limiting breathing; we take a deep breath; and we now have allow to the infinite divine store house of ideas. Light and love flow through us. We get energized. We get lit up as cosmic electricity flows through us. All of a sudden we dharmically know what to do; what to say; what to think. The power of the I AM blows the debris out of our system and the lights are back on in the house. Love your experience.
Mimo, during this period of awakening, the MKE is so very fortunate to have you onboard! 🙂
Mimo you are so lucky to discover your “healer self.” Im inspired!
Great blog. Way to go, Mimo, let your true, authentic self shine.
You are coming home to you Mimo.
Very inspiring!
Inspiring blog Mimo! So happy for you that you have turned on your heart-light for yourself and others. Cheering you on your Hero’s Journey!