MKE Week 4 – One Step at a Time

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Category:  Week Four


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Still hanging in there but for some reason, find blogging the hardest part of the MKE course. Guess because I’ve never done anything like it before.

This week has been another whirlwind. My sister (whom I haven’t seen in 4 years) has come to visit so I’m finding it hard to work on the weekly assignment.

I know I know! I should tell her that I need to spend several hours a day on my homework but it’s just really hard for me to do that. Feels like I’m being rude and that’s not the way I was raised. Company came first! Hard to break habits of a lifetime but I realize that is also some of the resistance I must overcome.

In spite of these few blips, feel I am making headway in other areas so will just keep plugging away.

Have discovered that I really, really want to move back to BC from Saskatchewan so looking into places to live. Not easy on a Senior’s pension and most housing requires you to have been a resident of BC for a least a year to receive assistance.

But I may have found a way of helping that move happen. Am currently dog/house sitting for a friend but had never considered doing it as a business before. This week, I’ve been asked by two people if I’d be interested in sitting for others.

DING!!!! Light bulb went on!! DHARMA!!!!!!

Just have to keep believing !

Meet Marguerite Swallow

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  • Pretty soon the whole world will be a crescendo of light, Marguerite! You’ll see! 🙂

  • Hang in there Marguerite, sometimes life gets in the way but it is all good. Dog/house sitting sounds awesome for you! When your mind is open things just happen;

  • Marguerite – your headline says it all, “One step at a time”. Enjoy your visit with your sister, do what you can, stay open to the possibilities – and Bam! Opportunity knocks! Fun stuff!

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