MKE Week 4 – True Power

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Category:  Week Four


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“The “I” must be something which CONTROLS and DIRECTS both the body and the mind; something which determines WHAT THEY SHALL DO and HOW THEY SHALL ACT. When you come into a realization of the TRUE NATURE of this “I”, you will enjoy a sense of POWER which you have never before known.”

Charles Haanel, The Master Key System, Part 4:2

This is the most mysterious part of The Master Key System by Charles Haanel.

Imagine having a sense of personal power beyond anything you have ever experienced in your lifetime.

By understanding how to use your “I” to give commands and directions to your body you can fulfill your life purpose, create a life that is always something transcending your wildest dreams, and become the person you were always intended to become.

In the book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, this is the success principle called a WPOA or Written Plan of Action.

  • Here is my WPOA to give you an example what this looks like:
  • I repeat “Do it NOW!” 25X2X per out-loud everyday!
  • I read my Blueprint Builder out-loud everyday EXCITED!
  • I read the MKS and sit every day as directed.
  • I read the GS (Greatest Salesman In The World) as directed 3X every day.
  • I do qigong or yoga every day.
  • I affirm “I can be what I will to be.” 20X per day.
Meet David Meyer

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  • I love doing the course material as well, sure makes a difference in our lives when we do!

  • David, I love how you integrate the material we read with the exercises to integrate. Looking forward to reading about the results that you create SOON!

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