At some point, someday we all want to surrender by throwing ourselves all in and asking the question, “Who do I want to be?” That takes courage. In other words, don’t worry about what’s happening to you based on other people’s opinions.
Why is it that we’ve all seen people that we consider to be not so good-looking? That’s an opinion, but you’ve never seen a bad-looking Golden Retriever have you? This week I’m working on becoming a conscious observer without an opinion, and believe me, it’s hard to do.
What I’m learning is how to create change. As I look back at my life the things I struggle with and the things that really tick me off, I know something needs to change. The good thing is this, no one is telling me WHAT to change, that’s my choice.
The thing is, I’m in search of HOW to change, and I’m discovering it’s a relatively easy thing to do but not simple. What I’m doing is accepting what the struggle is, then I open up the thesaurus and look up the synonym and then the antonym, which tells me how to be different and that’s what I begin working on… DAILY.
All I can say is, put everything you have into everything you’ve got. What becomes the convincer for anybody, is when you throw yourself all into your convictions and finally become honest with yourself about what you genuinely want, not the best you can… but the very best you can. #WhatOtherPeopleSay #DemiLovato
When you listen to others seeking opinion after opinion while waiting to make your own decision, instead of trusting your own gut feeling, it slows you down. It slows your mind down, and it slows your day down ending up with sacrificing effectiveness for efficiency.
I think the biggest culprit of this is multi-tasking because you’re mimicking what other people are doing, and wanting you to do… so just do one thing at a time… it’s easier and less stressful.
It might be a possibility that you need to get out of your own way and set some new boundaries and goals for yourself. So surrender and let your old self finally die despite being afraid of what you might become.
You may not know how to have a good time anymore or who to hang around with because you’re so accustomed to being immersed in a self-sabotaging group who are all engaged in the same unhealthy behavior… and then every day becomes a blur, and what most people call… the comfortable “same ‘ole same ‘ole.”
You feel O.K. about it, but not quite satisfied anymore and not sure what to do about it. So trust your gut feeling again.
The result? Your focus is better, your work is better, and you get more done because you trust yourself again. You become more attractive to others without the need to promote yourself.
There’s a saying, “People go where other people want to go because people go where other people go.”
The liars and the pied pipers of prosperity are everywhere, and they want you to believe changes can happen for you by holding your breath for an insane amount of time, walking on ice cubes, running a 10K naked and barefoot at midnight, or listening to a few episodes of their podcast and then urge you to buy their $5K self-help course.
It might work for a few… but not many because there’s been no SELF-DIRECTED change moving into the creative and away from your associated memory.
Change occurs by letting go of the past, not living in the future, and being genuinely present, getting in the flow by giving and graciously receiving. That takes more courage than you can imagine when you decide who you’re going to be.
Where do you find the tools to deal with the space that allows you to let go of your ego, and the sense of self which constitutes your associative memory that’s always getting in your way?
Where’s the strong, perfect, powerful, harmonious, happy, and healthy person you’re meant to be? How do you begin attaching THOUGHTS with FEELINGS to become BELIEFS that eventually turn into ACTIONS that conceive positive RESULTS in your life?
Think about this, you don’t have a soul, you ARE a soul and the physical body is a part of it… it’s the sum of all parts. You might place your hand on your heart or over your stomach, (some call it the second brain) and call it your soul.
Consider the fact the body, brain, and mind along with your personality and intellect are all part of it, the whole enchilada, and make us all unique creating the greatness within.
I surrender myself to my body, I surrender my body to my mind, I surrender my mind to my soul, and I surrender my soul to my creator and the source of all that’s good. This shifts everything around because everything is part of the body and the body is part of the soul.
The thing is, the body is irrelevant, and the only thing that makes you think it is relevant is other people’s opinions and the mainstream media’s attempt to influence you and the 9,000 different impressions you get every single day to persuade you to purchase the way they want you to and ultimately separating you from your talent and your treasure so that you constantly feel less than you really are… unless you buy their product or service to be like everyone else.
My challenge for you this week, as I’ve been challenged, is to not offer or express any opinions on anything to anybody, and begin observing your own behaviors, and instead become a conscious listener and observer.
Observe what you’re doing without any judgment. That’s the key. We’re conditioned to sort information into piles, e.g., right and wrong, good and bad, pretty and ugly, happy and sad, smart and stupid, fat and skinny, tall and short, stingy and generous – they’re all judgments. When you’re able to do so without judgment, it becomes very enlightening.
In the same way, you can discover the freedom that comes without the burden of “dual thought.” A good example is the way your mind wanders while reading or listening to someone talking to you while you’re busy thinking of something completely unrelated to what you’re doing or searching for something clever to say.
For some, it occurs with every paragraph being read or every person you meet. It’s the same reason you can’t remember someone’s name when introduced… because you’re preoccupied with being interesting rather than being interested.
What’s worse is not remembering the most important word in the entire conversation… That’s right, their name. The curse of dual thought needs to be controlled and it’s a process for everyone so take one day at a time.
Tell me this, what do you think? What’s the right thing for you to do? I don’t want to know WHAT you’re going to change, that’s up to you… but I do want to know HOW you’re going to do it. So let me know.
“I surrender myself to my body, I surrender my body to my mind, I surrender my mind to my soul, and I surrender my soul to my creator and the source of all that’s good.” I love the way you’ve worded this progression, Lewis! 🙂
Thanks for the reminder to be present, Lewis!